
Sawubona from South Africa!

I just realized it’s been 2 months since my last post! A lot has happened since then..so I was in Guatemala for 2 months and then we moved to Durban, South Africa! I have been living in South Africa for a little over a month now and it has been purely amazing.

Traveling here was no joke! We woke up super early in Guatemala, took a bus to the city, and got on a plane to Miami. It was so weird being in America again but I was so happy to see Diet Coke haha. After a few hour lay over we hopped on our next plane that was 14 hours!! We landed in Qatar, which was so cool! We had a 12 hour lay over so we got to go explore for the whole night which was pretty cool. We got good food, danced, and even got sung to by a man from Qatar in the market haha.. now onto the next flight! Our last flight was 9 hours long and we landed in Johannesburg, SA. We traveled to a bus stop, got on a bus, and drove 6 hours through the night to get to Durban, SA. All of that with a 50 pound bag on our backs, our day pack back packs and one other bag.. I was SORE. It took us over 3 days to get here but man it is worth it.

Since being in Africa we have done evangelism in malls, apartment complex’s, Ubers, you name it! I have been so blessed to have been able to share the gospel with Muslims, unbelievers, Hindu, and Jehova’s witnesses. We have also been visiting retirement homes, lived in an orphanage, we have done all sorts of things.  We lived in an Orphanage called LIV village for a week. We put on two holiday programs each day for the kids and our theme was the Christmas story because it was Christmas! It was so fun the kids loved coming and learning about Jesus. Being at the orphanage was really hard because there was a lot of rules. We couldn’t hug the kids, hold them, take pictures with them, talk to them about many topics, it was hard because all I wanted to do was hold all of them the whole time! I met a girl named Alayna who taught me how to Afro dance and she laughed at me a lot haha. The morning we were leaving I heard someone screaming my name so I went out side and she was standing as close as she was aloud to be to where we were staying wanting to say goodbye. She wrote me a letter that broke my heart saying how this week has changed her life and she will never forget me for being like a mother to her. I literally love her and all of them so much. We spent new years with the kids too! It was wild but so fun!

Being in Retirement homes has been such an amazing time. The Lord gave me a heart for the older people. I just love them! We sit with them and talk for hours and we sharpen each other with our wisdom and revelations from the Lord, it’s truly beautiful. When we first got to the nursing home they asked us to sing the National Anthem and we sand it loud and proud but with many voice cracks..it was so funny! I’ve become friends with an older woman named Andrea. We have shared testimonies and prayed and cried together, I am just so thankful for her. Being at the retirement homes has felt so homey. They love on us and it reminds me of my family. God is so intentional about where He has placed us.

Evangelizing has been AWESOME! I’ll share one story: One morning we were on our way to an Apartment complex to evangelize. I was praying on the way there for someone to get saved today. I said Lord “I want to see someone get saved today. I am here and I want to be used!” We went around knocking on every door, and kept getting turned away time after time. Which was disappointing but we kept going and asking expectantly. We met a little boy who said he knew Jesus and he said, “I’m coming with you guys and I know where to go”.. he took us to a door and knocked really hard haha.. we introduced ourselves and said we wanted to pray for her if she would allow us to. She said she would love that, so I asked her if she knew Jesus and so on..she said she was in a dark place in her life and that this is what she needed. She had never heard the gospel before, so I got to tell her! After hearing the gospel she was in tears and saying I needed this. It was so obvious that the Lord was knocking on her heart. she accepted Jesus into her heart right there! We got to guide her to the next steps and it was just beautiful! I was and still am so overjoyed and honored to be used in this incredible way! After we left this woman’s house, the little boy grabbed his friend and they started doing what we were doing! They were boldly approaching people to talk about Jesus and pray for them! Even though they got turned away by most people, they kept going! Wow thank you Jesus.

We have also made a really good friend in an apartment complex. We have been 3 times and we go to the same apartment each time. It is a 40 something year old mom of many children and she is taking care of her bed ridden dad. They love Jesus, it was so sweet being there. The mom was jobless, she didn’t have anywhere for her kids to go to school, she was stressed and worried, so we called on God, and He did something about it. We came back 2 days later and she was SO excited to tell us that she started a job in a few days, her kids got enrolled in a school, she was not stressed, and her dad was sitting up! We were just so excited at what the Lord had done so quickly! She kept going on and on about how He is her provider and when she started leaning on him, He took her stress away. Beautiful just beautiful! The dad came more the life each time we saw him. He was full of testimonies and loved prahing over us. God blessed us to get to know this sweet family.

Something that has been hard in these last couple of months is people not hearing the word. You tell them the gospel and share what Jesus has done in your life and they don’t want it. There is all types of responses like “I don’t have time”, “I have a good life already”, or they simply don’t care. I got the opportunity to share the gospel with our Uber driver. He had never heard the gospel before and He only knew a little about Jesus. After sharing this, he said he doesn’t have enough time. And I was like brother life is a vapor! The Lord had the reins in this conversation, it was not me at all, but we talked about after death and so many things, but He still said he didn’t have time. Please pray for Him! I know there was seeds planted in His heart. Pray for him to get dreams and visions of Jesus!

The Lord has done so much in these last 4 weeks. He is teaching me so much about Himself. I’ve been addicted to His word every day just soaking up as much as I can before I have to walk out the door. In this season of my life and the ministry that we are doing, the word that comes to mind is fruitful. I have gotten to see seeds actually grow and bloom. It’s been so sweet to get a glimpse of what the Lord is doing. It’s beautiful when you plant seeds and pray for those seeds, but it’s something else when you get to see the seeds grow and that’s such a gift. The Lord has blessed my eyes. In this season of such presence and seeing fulfillment of His word, I am so thankful. I pray to keep seeing fruit and I am expecting it! I am expecting the Lord to do many many many more things.

Colossians 4:2 Devote yourself to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

Thank you for praying for me, supporting me, sending me texts and prayers, encouraging me, supporting me financially, I am so thankful. I am so grateful for my amazing community and church family. You guys are like no other! I love you all. Praise God!

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