
Hey Everyone!

my name is Hannah Bunce, and I am so excited that I have agreed to go with World Race on their 4-month Semesters trip to Nicaragua and Honduras in January 2025! But, let me give you a little back story on how I came to make this decision. Back in 2023 I became a licensed cosmetologist, and at that time I was so excited to use it! As time went on I started to feel unsure about it, and I couldn’t fully understand why. I began to feel stuck in my tracks. I continued to work at my current job at Chick-fil-A and just kept asking God to show me what his plans were. I was slowly starting to realize that the Lord was nudging me to put cosmetology aside to focus on something else. I continuously put my trust in him because his plans are good. After a couple months of this process, I really felt the Lord use my current situation of feeling stuck, and working a very flexible job, to step out in my faith and really use this season of life to go on missions to different countries. After hearing this I started looking into all of my options immediately! I had heard about World Race through someone I knew, and was very intrigued. As I looked at what my options were, I came across the 2025 trip that included Honduras in the route, and I very quickly decided that’s the trip I’m going on. I went to Honduras in 2019 with my church and fell in love with the country, and have always wanted to go back with no opportunity in sight–until now! So I’m saying yes to the calling that God has placed on my heart, and I’m so excited for you to come along side me in this journey! I will be posting blogs here throughout the trip, so look out for updates here. I will also be posting on social media as well 😉 So excited to see what God has planned for this trip!

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