
This week was a start of a journey I will never forget. August 31 was the day when I left the comforts of home and the familiarity of friends and family for the calling God has put on my life. I will be embarking on a 9-month mission trip, traveling to Guatemala, South Africa, Eswatini, and Indonesia, serving others and sharing the gospel to those that need to hear and experience the amazing power of Jesus.

What Everyday Life Looks Like

This week has been so challenging but yet equally amazing. Each day is filled with sessions and squad devotionals that continually grow me closer to God and my squad mates. Different scenarios throughout the week are incorporated to prepare us for what we will be doing on the field. On Monday, our squad had a travel day scenario where we had to pack up all of our things(things we had just set up ughhh). We were allowed one backpack with shower stuff and one change of clothes that we carried with us throughout the day. However, later that day they told us that half of our luggage was “lost” at the airport which meant that half of us didn’t have any of our bags. Each person had to pair up with someone who still had their things. We had to bond and share tents and clothes for the next day which was actually super fun and brought us all closer together. This, also prepared us for travel days in the future as we were more aware with what we should always have in our day packs. Another scenario we had to do was a house visit scenario where we were grouped together with 2 others from our squad. We walked into the room, now knowing what to expect and were a little nervous. We were tasked with starting conversations and sharing the gospel with them. Our scenario was a couple who were on drugs. We had to grab their attention, start conversations, and share the gospel with them. This prepped us for the mission field as house visits are a main part of our ministry.

One thing that has taken some getting used to is giving up comforts at home that I had taken for granted. Our showers are scheduled, which means that we usually can’t take one every day. In addition, most of our showers are bucket showers, meaning we have a bucket of water and a little cup to dump water over ourselves. Another thing that we have to do differently is laundry. There are no machine washers and everyone has to hand wash their clothes in a bucket of water with laundry detergent. It’s extremely hard not to complain but my squad mates keep me accountable and everyone is continually building each other up and encouraging me to be grateful. Also, life in tents is something I have to get used to. We have to sleep in tents every day and learn to live with the dirt and bugs. However, through all of this it is incredible to see how believers come together and serve the Lord and each other. I have never been around a community that is so encouraging and comfortable. My squad is so happy and full of joy, making this time even more special and incredible.


Our campsite at night                                Laundry days                                                             K-Squad!!!

What God Has Been Doing

God has been moving so incredibly much. One session that stuck out to me was about our identity in Christ. God’s love is sooo good and if we want to know our identity in Christ we have to know and understand the unconditional love of God. We can’t do anything to lose or gain God’s love because it’s not about anything we have done, its about Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross. Before coming here, I didn’t fully understand God’s never ending love. I would try to fit into what the world wanted me to be and what the world thinks about me, but I have learned that it’s not about meeting the world’s criteria or even our own criteria. Even though we mess up, we are still lovely in God’s sight. Sometimes I find myself getting homesick or questioning if this was the right decision, however, God has been continually reminding me that he chose for me to be here. I have been recruited for his army and I don’t have to be perfect for him to use me. It’s so important to be interuptible and let God ruin your plans for his own.

One amazing story was one night we were in worship and one of my squad mates was struggling with her back pain. She has had scoliosis for a while and she was hurting. Someone went over and prayed for her and her spine is now straight! GOD IS SO GOOD!! It’s amazing to see Him show up and reveal his amazing character to us.

Prayer Requests

Through all of this, the devil has been attacking my squad with fear, anxiety, and comparison. Prayer is so powerful and it’s so important to be covered in prayer. I would ask that you guys cover my squad in prayer. Pray for continued unity, that we would all get along and speak life into each other. In addition, pray against the enemy’s attacks on our lives, that we would be able to rest fully in God’s love and presence. Thank you for your continued prayer and support throughout this journey!



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