
Me and my small group on Good Friday

Learn why contributors have chosen to take part in supporting my mission

Why Give?

As I am continuing on through my support raising journey, I stopped and took the chance to ask a few of my first supporters what led them to support my mission financially. Here is what a few of my supporters said:

“I decided to donate towards Amanda’s mission trip because I’ve witnessed firsthand how deeply she has grown in her faith. Amanda’s passion for Jesus and her dedication to spreading the good word will undoubtedly touch countless hearts. There is no one more suited for this mission, and I am incredibly proud to support her as she embarks on this journey to make a global impact. I am so excited to see all the wonderful things she will accomplish.” – Kaylee Nehra, roommate and close friend

“I am truly blessed to have met such an extraordinary person whose heart is passionately devoted to God. I met Amanda during our small group at church and have been profoundly inspired by her growth in faith. Each week, Amanda spoke with unwavering honesty and conviction about her relationship with God. I have witnessed the Holy Spirit move in remarkable ways, particularly in calling Amanda to travel, build community, and profess her belief in Jesus. It is a privilege to support her journey with the World Race Expedition, and I am eager to contribute to furthering the Kingdom of God through her mission.” – Autumn Norville, small group member and friend

“We met Amanda over a year ago when she began to babysit our children. Her character immediately shone through as we watched her interact with our girls, she has been reliable, responsive, and compassionate with our most treasured, God-given gifts. At the same time, we’ve watched Amanda grow in her faith in Jesus which has led to a passion for wanting to impact & change lives. My wife & I have both lived and served on the mission field and have spent time talking with Amanda about this opportunity. We’re excited to see what God does in Amanda’s life and the lives of others as she embarks on this next part of her journey.” – Aaron & Sarah Butner

“From my understanding, Amanda’s heart has long been one that wants nothing but better for those around her and those far away. My walk on this journey with her started with me having the joy of co-leading her in a church small group, allowing me to watch a new and beautiful foundation of faith build inside her and nearly immediately begin pouring outwards onto the world around her. When she first told me about God putting this heart for mission within her, I knew I wanted to be a part of the fulfillment of that heart because I knew it was God working. Since then, she has become an incredible older sister and mentor to me in many ways, always pursuing this fierce love of bringing others up. After much prayer, guidance, and just doing life with Amanda I have chosen to consistently give to her future as a provider of more than just the message but the heart and hand of Christ to those who have never felt it. Ultimately I just want to help her help the world.” – Hunter Darlak, small group leader