
Hello sweet friends and family! I have missed you all so so dearly! My team has now been in Africa for a month and a half, and one thing that we have missed is wifi and internet! I’ve missed getting to share stories of what the Lord is doing and am so thrilled to finally get to fill you in! It’s been an incredible season!

South Africa Debrief:

After being split into our teams for about three months, my squad gathered for a week in Nelspruitt, South Africa. It was a blast getting to see everyone and share stories about our time apart. We had teachings, one on ones with our squad leaders and coaches, and even an all squad talent show that was full of amazing performances. Our coaches are absolutely incredible, and I was so grateful to spend time with them and hear their wise insight. We even had the opportunity for some adventures which included an all squad safari where we saw a plethora of animals, ziplining and even falling off a huge bridge. It was such a blessing and all are experiences that I will never forget.

Here in Eswatini we get the privilege of serving in care point ministry. Adventures in Missions has over 25 care points across the country. These care points are places where kids can have a safe place to play, receive a meal, and drink clean water, all things that they may not be able to access elsewhere. The care points are run by a Shepard, a child who grew up attending the care point and has been chosen to now lead the care point. The Shepards are all incredible and it’s a beautiful cycle to witness as they are able to pour back into their communities. Our role in the ministry is to build relationships and serve in any capacity that is needed. Most mornings the children are in school, so we take the time to cut grass, pray over the space, pick up trash, and prepare the food. Other mornings we are able to visit the homes of some of our students to bring gifts and prayer to the family. I adore home visits and am so thankful that we are able to do them. Once the kids arrive, it’s playtime! Most of the day is spent playing soccer, singing songs about Jesus, getting our hair braided, playing “tosh” (tag), carrying kids and being a human jungle gym. Over 100 kids are reglar attendees of the carepoint, so we have a steady stream of friends to play with most of the day. I have always adored children’s ministry, and I have loved this opportunity to pour into these sweet kids and live in the joy that comes from spending time with them. I’ve had the opportunity to share the gospel with so many sweet kids, that they are then able to take home to their families. I am excited and expectant for the work that the Lord will do in and through them.

Our carepoint also has a preschool on site, and I have had the blessing of being a teacher there along with my squad-mate Elise. We arrive to the school at 8:30, and begin by teaching the students a bible story and song, and leading them in prayer. Afterwards, we teach on a variety of topics; days of the week, months of the year, colors, shapes, anything the teacher asks! Afterwards, the students eat a snack, and then we join the rest of our teammates for playtime! The Lord has continued to grow my passion for teaching over the course of the race, and I’ve really enjoyed living that out in this country. The students are so sweet and absolutely adorable! Although they don’t speak much English, the teacher is so helpful and is always ready to translate.

Daily Life:

My squad (my total team of 49) is living together for the first time since early December. It has been amazing to reconnect with everyone and to get to hear all about what the Lord has done in and through everyone while we’ve been apart. Everyone has been eager and intentional about having one on one conversations to catch up and soak in these last weeks altogether. Weekends are spent with endless card game, wiffle ball tournaments, intentional conversations and trips to the gas station (the only place there really is to go).

I feel as if I’ve been able to reconnect with everyone in a new way since coming back together. It’s so evident that the Lord has walked each of us into more of who we are in Christ, and it’s sweet to see everyone come alive in their giftings and get to know them more. We only have about three weeks of time with our whole squad left on the race (including our final debrief), which is insane to think about. I love these people so dearly and will miss them so much!

Parent Vision Trip:
In one of the sweetest full circle moments I’ve ever experienced, my parents were able to come to Eswatini and spend a week meeting my team, doing ministry, and getting a taste of what my year has been like. Each racer had the opportunity to share a short testimony of what God had done in them on the race, using a fruit of the spirit as anchor. It was incredibly powerful to hear story after story of ways that the Lord showed up and brought healing and change. Looking across my squad, it’s evident that the Lord has done a work in each and every one of us, and our parents getting to witness the change is incredible. Getting to show our parents where we lived, leading them in worship, and swapping stories was a blast, but my favorite part was the opportunity to do ministry with them. Getting to play tosh and seeing my parents sing and dance with the kids was a picture of supernatural love that touched my heart. At the end of the week, my parents and I washed each other’s feet, and prayed a blessing over each other. I loved my parents getting to see inside of my world, to see my squad in action and meet the people who have touched my life so much. It’s a time I cherish and will never forget.

What’s Next?:
Somehow, four weeks have already flown by here in Swazi, leaving us with just one week left. This Friday we will say our goodbyes and travel to our final ministry location. We have four teams in South Africa, doing ministry in Jeffery’s Bay and Johannesburg. My team as well as team Abide have the blessing of doing ministry in Lesotho, a tiny country located in the middle of South Africa. We will live and work with team abide, visiting homes and sharing the gospel. We may even have the chance to hike into the mountains and share the gospel with people who have never heard it. Unfortunately for my updating schedule, service in Lesotho is available even less than here in Eswatini, so it may be a while before I am able to share stories about what the Lord is doing. But I am so excited to testify of all the ways he has moved as soon as I am able!

How Can You Be Praying?

For my squad:
– Pray that the Lord will continue to lead us to future plans and open doors for opportunities in the future
– Pray for health and safety that we may finish the race well
– Pray for endurance for our families to push through the last bit of distance
– Pray for the spirit to continue to move and give us a fire for the people of our next countries
– Pray for the Lord to multiply the work of our hands and bless our ministry
For my Team:
– Pray that the Lord would continue to lead us in unity, and unify us with the team that we will be living with
– Pray that we will press into these last moments as a team and not miss a thing!
– Pray that we would be a blessing to our ministry hosts in this final country and press into these last moments here in Eswatini
For me:
– Pray that the Lord would continue to make clear my future plans
– Pray that he would give me endurance to soak in these last weeks of the race
– Pray that he would show me more of his heart for the people of Lesotho

With just a few weeks left on the race, I have had the opportunity to reflect on all that the Lord has done in and through it. It has been one of the most fruitful, joy filled, growing, blessing times of my life. I am abundantly thankful for each and every one of you that has supported me financially, covered me in prayer and encouragement and loved me well throughout this journey. I am so thankful for your yes to the Lord and your yes to love me well. It means the world that you would love me so well. I could not be here without you all. Thank you so much, it truly means the world to me.

Praying blessings over each and every one of you! So thankful to know you all!