
Greetings from Cambodia!


I hope this blog finds everyone well. Cambodia has been awesome and I just wanted to hop on here and update everyone on how the swim program is going and other ways the Holy Spirit is moving here in Cambodia.


When our team first arrived here in Cambodia, it was clear that the Lord was moving here in some pretty awesome ways. As we have been working here with New Day New Life, the fruit of our ministry host and their team’s labor is evident. We have been able to be a part of lives being given to Jesus, witnessed multiple baptisms, and helped encourage powerful life change within villages here. It is so evident that the Lord is chasing down not just the hearts of individuals, but the hearts of entire families and villages.  


What we do for ministry


During the week, we work in 4 different villages about an hour and half outside of Siem Reap. In each village we help teach English and Bible stories. We also attend Bible studies in the villages in order to encourage and disciple some of the new believers. Half of us help these ministries each day while the others do construction. 


We have been assisting New Day New Life in building an Adventures and Missions base in one of the villages. When this base is completed, future racers will be housed here, allowing them to work from within the village. We also repaired a house and built a deck for one of the families in the village. The hours are long and the days are hot, but there is nothing better in the world than serving as unto the Lord.


Swim Ministry!


Having the special opportunity to take all of these Children to the pool has been absolutely awesome! Thank you to everyone who supported! The Lord is so Faithful! We were able to raise enough money to take all the kids from each of the four different villages to the pool. (About 200 Kids!) Some of them also got to go to Angkor Wat (a Wonder of the World) for the first time. It was incredibly special and had so much fruit come out of it. Not only did it give the kids an awesome and fun day while teaching them some skills that could save a life, it also built trust with the parents in the villages. 


In the beginning, many parents were hesitant to send their kids an hour away with our ministry host and a bunch of white Americans. Many of them lived through the Khmer Rouge and were stripped from their families. Therefore, letting their children leave the village with us was a huge act of trust for many of them. Our hosts have been working hard to gain the trust of the people from the villages and this was a huge step.


The Kids were ecstatic on the hour and half bus ride from the village to the pool. Many had never seen tall buildings before! When we arrived at the pool most of the kids were excited to get into the water. Some were scared of the water at first but by the end, they were having the time of their lives! I am so thankful that we were able to do this and could not have asked for better ministry hosts that helped me organize it! Shout out team Naya for helping out with teaching also! (Pictures Below).


Our time in Cambodia is coming to an end but the past month and a half has been awesome! Our team has had the ability to continue to press into each other and the Lord. In this season, our faith was greatly encouraged as we were able to very clearly see what laboring for the Gospel looks like by watching how Shreymom, Shannon, Vickie, Peach, and Shreypow dedicate their entire lives to these kids and this community that they are a part of. What love but the powerful Love of Jesus would give us the privilege to live like this!


Philippians 1:29 “For you have been given the privilege of serving Christ, not only by believing in him, but also by suffering for him.”


As always, I am incredibly thankful for everyone back home. Thank you guys for supporting me financially and through prayer. The Lord is working in the hearts of the nations and I am so thankful that as a follower of Christ we all get to be a part of it. 


Until next time…

God Bless