
Hey everyone!

I’m Maddy McLaren, and I’m absolutely thrilled to share some big news with you all—I’m about to embark on a three-month mission trip with World Race to Guatemala and Nicaragua, on August 30th!

A month ago, I was in the midst of prepping for college and felt a strong urge to pray about my future. I didn’t expect the answer I received, but it turned out to be a game-changer. After a lot prayer and confliction, I decided to postpone college for a year and take a gap year instead. Little did I know, this decision would lead me to an incredible opportunity to join World Race.

With just a week left to apply and spots filling up quickly, I felt a mix of excitement and uncertainty. I wasn’t sure if I’d even get a spot, but after sharing my story and continuing to pray, I received the amazing news that I was accepted into the program instantly!

My mission during this trip is to spread the love of the Lord to as many people as possible, deepen my faith, support and uplift those I meet, and be a beacon of light to everyone back home. This is a huge shift from what I had originally planned, but I’m incredibly excited to see what God has in store for me during these three months and beyond.

As I prepare for this journey, I’d love to ask for your support in two ways. First, your prayers would mean the world to me. Please pray for safety, courage, and for the Lord to do amazing things through this mission. Second, if you feel led to support my fundraising efforts, it would be greatly appreciated. Every bit helps and will make a difference in making this mission possible. There is a link to give on my blog page.

Thank you for joining me on this adventure. I can’t wait to keep you updated and share all the experiences and growth I encounter along the way.

Stay tuned for more updates!

1 Peter 3:15