
GUYS!! I just wanted to come on here and welcome you to my blog! I cannot wait to share and write all of what the gap year will hold; it will be so amazing.

It is so bizarre to me that we are now only 45 days away from what I thought would take forever to come: The World Race. It feels as if the 150-day mark was just yesterday. Time has flown, and this new season of life is coming so rapidly!

The newness and excitement of the race have left me so expectant of what these nine months will look like and unfold to be as the Lord begins to do a new thing in all of us! How amazing will that be to witness. A group of people, coming together, for one reason and this reason only: to tell the people about the very real and living person that has saved us from death and grave and in return, has crowned us with eternal life; Jesus Christ. A group of people, so eager to just love others and steward the gift of the gospel well. “How exciting” is an understatement to just how beautiful and unimaginable these next nine months will be.

We will reunite soon, in a new place, welcoming in a new season and walking into it boldly. See you soon, Gainsville, Georgia.

With love,
Hannah Harris