I am back! (and better than ever)

I am so happy to share with you all that the World Race X Squad has indeed conquered Thailand and made it to South Africa. South Africa has been wonderful and I can not wait to share with you the ministry my team and I will be working with while we are here. However, first let’s talk about some of the amazing things God did in Thailand!

Some of the many things I gained from Thailand: a raging addiction to Cream-O’s, a love for the song Evergreen by Richy Mitch & The Coal Miners (give it a listen), an adoration for the beauty which is God’s creation, but above all the reminder to look for God in the little because he is always there.

Going into Thailand, my team had a very different idea of what we thought our ministry was going to look like for the next month then reality. We went in with the impression that we were going to be working with children at a children’s home called Alpha Renew Foundation. We quickly were reminded how unpredictable life is on the field. Our first week in Thailand was spent refurbishing a community park in a nearby neighborhood. That time was beautiful. I have begun to realize I use that word a lot in my blog but sometimes that’s all I can think of. There is so much beauty in life that over the years I realize I have forgotten to take notice of. Recently God has been opening my eyes to appreciate the beauty that is to be found all around.

Our final week in Thailand was spent doing ATL. Now ATL is a common word in the World Race community that stands for ask the Lord. Each day our whole team asks the Lord what he wants for the day. Some of the different things we did that week were worshiping in a local park, writing uplifting notes for our squad, handing out Bible verses to people, and interceding in prayer. On our final day of ATL, I was feeling disappointed with myself because I felt like I had missed an opportunity the prior day to evangelize. As my team was praying, God seemed to be telling me that he was going to move that day.

After reconvening with the different words or thoughts we got from God, my team divided. Half my team went to a diner and the other half went back to the park we had been at the previous day. Okay in all honesty, first Sadie, Emily, and I stopped to get some Khao Soi (it is the best thing you will ever taste), before going to the park. Initially when we got there, we walked around to feel out where God was leading us. We came upon a small grass field where people were laying on blankets rather aesthetically if I might add. While we were walking over to find a spot to sit, Sadie ended up pausing to say hi to two girls. The conversation started off rather awkward due to their lack of English. Right when I thought we were going to put this uncomfortable conversation to rest, Sadie precedes to say, “Do you know Jesus?” and translates it into Thai on Google Translate. My initial thoughts were similar to “She did not just do that” and “Oh my goodness we totally were not there yet”, but God used that moment to teach me the importance of boldness.

As if the moment could not become more uncomfortable we were joined by two more of their friends. However, God opened the door because one of the new girls typed into her translator that she had gone to church when she was young. From there, the girls began to ask deep questions about Christianity all through Google Translate! Sadie, Emily, and I spent the next two hours going back and forth with the girls between answering their questions, to asking our own. They were eager to know more and it warmed my heart. I was able to see how deeply rooted their culture is in Buddhism through the questions they asked about Christianity. For example, they asked questions like, “How do we respect Jesus?” and “How do you get punished for doing wrong?” If you do not know too much about Buddhism, respect is the most important thing and they have different punishments for different sins. It was both heartbreaking and beautiful to break down some Buddhist concepts that are ingrained in them.

God moved. God told me that he was going to move and he truly did. I just pray and hope that one day those girls will turn their curiosity into action. I pray that their hearts were stirred by our conversation and that they know there is something more, Jesus Christ. I hope they feel God’s love so undeniably that they cannot possibly deny it.

Our beautiful new friends!

Looking back, God showed me how he can work through me. Despite moments when I may feel inadequate or in over my head, God showed me he can use me. As the Bible says it best in 2 Corinthians 12:9, “My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness.” It is amazing to rest in that even in our weakness, God is working. It truly is not about what we have to offer, but what God has to offer and he truly has so much to offer. Through our little conversation, God was able to do some amazing big things. I just know in my heart God stirred the curiosity in those girls and he is going to keep growing it. God truly can work through the small moments!

Alright, I am so happy I finally got to share this beautiful, incredible, amazing moment from Thailand! I hope you all feel inspired to look for big God moments in the small.

On a completely unrelated note, I am fully funded! Thank you so much to everyone who helped me along this journey, I truly could not have done this without you all! If you have any questions about my race or literally anything feel free to email me at [email protected]  I would love to answer them 🙂

Thanks for tuning in to another blog.

May you feel God’s love infinitely!

Missionary Meg