
Hey there!

These are the days before the rest of my life begins. I wonder what the next year of my life will look like and wonder how do I tell my story. These are the two things I have thought of most. I have asked myself so many questions and thought of so many different ways my life could go. This next year is going to be one of the most important times of my life, so how have I spent preparing for it?

Well, a little life update, I graduated college. Nice! Now I am working at Camp Don Lee, which is the summer camp I had mentioned previously. But that is something I wanted to touch on in this blog. The fact that I have been preparing for this trip my whole life. This camp has meant the world to me since I was a kid and through it, I learned and experienced the love of God. Through countless memories of this special place, I have grown closer with God and now, with everything I am preparing for, it all starts to line up.

Though now, I am just sitting, patiently awaiting my future. In the meantime, the Lord works through me here at camp, and I am forever blessed for His faithfulness. There have been many times this summer I have felt and seen the Lord work. I pray that He be my hands and feet and will work through me unto this world. He has presented me with new challenges everyday, but my faith in Him alone allows me to rest peacefully in Christ. I may grow tired and weak these days, but I will always find rest in Him.

But even while I struggle, He fills me with new blessings everyday! He has worked through all of you through all of your support! Every prayer and penny has been given because the Lord has worked through you! Thank you for all of your support! At the time of this blog I have reached over 50% of my financial goal! THANK YOU! I am so thankful that Lord has called you to support me in this wonderful time. May the Lord bless you and keep you.

I am beginning to truly understand that the spirit of God has led me to this place of my life. And if He has led me, he has and will continue to prepare me for the coming days of the rest of my life.

“Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and staff, they comfort me”. – Psalm 23:4