Hello! I just came back from Nepal and have been traveling throughout South Asia for some time. As I’ve been traveling, I have had some time to compile a list of things that occurred in Nepal. I want to share with you everything, but I’ll start with this.
So Nepal. The total time we were in Nepal was 53 days. We arrived on December 27, 2024 and we left February 18, 2025. Throughout our time, we bused, hiked, and slept in various locations throughout the country. God moved in many ways over the course of our time and as much as I want to share them all with you, it’s hard to put them all into words. For now, I will say this, the Spirit of God came down many times and His presence filled every room we entered.
There are more stories that can be told from Nepal, so instead of sharing everything, I’ll tell you what God wants to reveal to you and I would also like to share with you my heart. I want you to read where I have been over the last 3 months and let me share what God has done in my life, what He has done here, and what He will do in your lives!
We began traveling to various locations around Nepal, but the longer we were there, the more we felt the heavy spiritual atmosphere. This is new to me. It was never told to me that the Spirit moves. But I am here to tell you that my heart was changed. I have seen the Holy Spirit move through my heart. I experienced love! He showed me that I don’t have to live in a world where I have to feel rejected and disrespected. Because He loves me. I am a child of God. God showed me his faithfulness through His protection in my life. The intensity of this world is overwhelming and powerful. The devil tries to manipulate me into believing in his lies. I was clouded, but He has restored my soul! God has protected me from all of the pain in this world. He protected me from losing my life. But all this world says is that “I’m not good enough”. And that is all people hear. You are more than enough for God. God loves you. He wants to move your heart. If you’re reading this. That’s what He has for you. So I encourage you, as He has been doing with me, pray. Ask Him to reveal himself, and He will.
As God has been revealing His love for me, He has also been teaching me how to love Him. As you walk closer to the light, the more you see.
So God began to reveal the idols of my life. “But I don’t worship idols” I say. “How could I be tempted by idols when I don’t worship them?” But, it’s relationships, it’s people that I worship. It is anything I put above God or next to Him. So I come to this revelation and now have the space to grieve these parts of my flesh. My flesh that has desires and hopes in the world that the world can’t fulfill. All I want is God. If it isn’t Him, I don’t want it. My flesh is torn and my Spirit is longing for more of Him! Our flesh and Spirit are always wagging war against each other. But God has already won. Our hearts belong to Him only if we claim Him as ours. He wants us to want Him. That’s why our flesh and Spirit are always at war. – Romans 8
So the Lord taught me to to pray. He taught me to lean in to His Spirit and to trust that He is with me. He taught me to pray over His people and to be with those who don’t know him. This goes into our next journey of Nepal.
Our team was moved out to a Nepali village in the middle of the Himalayan Hills where I was able to see God’s love and healing for His people. We were there for a week and during our time, we saw the Spirit of God fall in every space we entered. People saw the face of God and were touched by His healing hand. I want to share more, but there are too many stories to tell for this blog.
After we moved from our village in the Himalayan Hills, we began a trek through the Himalayan Mountains. There is a difference between hills and mountains in Nepal. The hills look like mountains, but compared to the Himalayas… yeah right. Anyway, our trek lasted three days. We slept in the houses of the people who welcomed us into their home. They fed us and provided our beds. We slept and started hiking the next morning, continuing our route. As we travelled, we would meet with families and pray for them.
Imagine: 19 kids with nothing but backpacks hiking through the Himalayan Mountains just to tell someone who doesn’t know Jesus that He loves them! Sleeping in a Himalayan hut and eating and doing whatever they are doing! That was us! All we desire is for the whole world to know that Jesus Christ has saved them and wants to be with them! – Matthew 24 & Mathew 28
After 3 days, our trek was ending and we began the last of our journey throughout Nepal. We continued to visit homes and prayed for families. The Spirit of God continued to fall anywhere we surrendered to Him and allowed His presence to move. So many beautiful moments throughout our journey in Nepal.
We lived the life like in Matthew 10. We went where we were called. We went reminded of Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28: 18-20. This has always been what we signed up for. We gave our yes to this! WE GIVE OUR YES TO JESUS! I have tasted and seen that the Lord is good! I can experience Him in ways I have never before! I can pray, and feel His presence around me! I pray that we all can experience this kind of love from God. How beautiful He truly is and how wonderful He has made us!
I know that some of reading are believers and some may not be. I know these posts are filled with what God has been doing in these places, but I wanted to tell you that God sees you. He knows where you are and what has been going on in your life. I used to be alone and never knew that was loved. But now I can speak freely that the Lord loves me and He wants the same for you. I am so happy that you have decided to read my posts and thank you for your support. I pray for you all continuously and I long to see you all soon!
I love you all!
Jackson David Carter
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