
Time is flying by! Tomorrow will wrap up two weeks of being in this new country! It’s been full of new people, new locations, new climates, new smells, and so much more. It has been both challenging and a blessing already. We are excited as a squad for all that God is going to do these last two months on the race!

The first week here was spent debriefing our time in Turkey and Nepal with our mentor and coaches and ended with our final team change! The next two months I will be on Team- The Bachelor: The Final Season, Going Back to Our First Love. The whole team name idea started because the two men on our squad finally were split up and one of them is on my team with us girls, so if you know you know. But aside from the humor, we want to finish strong on the race “going back to our first love” by taking a moment to remember our first love with Jesus and fanning that flame!

The second week here was spent with our parents for parent vision trip. This was a time where we invited our parents to join us to taste a little of what we have experienced on the race. Although this PVT looked completely different than typical PVTs it was still a sweet opportunity to receive. Because of our current location, ministry is not an easy jump in task. There’s a lot of obstacles you have to be careful of and to make best of our time when our parents were here we did not have a structured ministry time. Instead, as a squad we got to minister to our parents by sharing with them testimonies from the field, ways we have grown, skills we have learned, and the community we have received while being immersed in a very lost/broken culture with millions in need of Jesus. We did have a day of ATL with our parents for ministry, but other than that most of our time was spent sharing about the race and getting a taste of what it will be like for us as racers to reenter America at the end of July.

I am grateful for these past two weeks. It had been a lot of fun to be with the entire squad and it was sweet to spend time with my mom and other racers parents. After a very busy two weeks, I already took a four hour nap and am ready for a day to sabbath, rest and spend devoted time to the Lord. Pray that my teammates and I press into these last 2 months and finish strong! The best is yet to come!

For these final blogs on the race, photos will most likely be limited to honor our hosts and the safety precautions that need to be taken to protect both them and us. I will post photos as I can, but wanted to share that there may not be many I can post publicly.