
This has been long awaited and needed. So much has happened in the last month and it has been a blast. The last month has had many laughs and tears, but every part of it is wonderful. I thank God for the things he has shown me on this trip from how powerful and creative he is to create wildlife to how compassionate he is to heal the sick. My team and I have experienced it all when it comes to God; recently, on the 29th of February, we got to go on a home visit to one of our máge’s (mother), she just recently had a baby and they found her unconscious in her home early in the morning on February 28th. A group of four other girls and I from our team went with our intern, Sodumo, our shepherd, Sharon (that’s her American name), and a local kid that led us there named Zack (his name has been changed for privacy reasons). When we got there the woman we were intending on going to see wasn’t there but her sister was. So we helped them clean up the homestead and went to fetch water with her. When we got back to the homestead we were about to leave so we were asking for prayer requests she said the neighbor had a paralyzed child and if we could pray for her.  We all decided that we needed to lay hands on the child, so she brought the child out of the house and we all laid hands and rumble-prayed for her. While we were praying I felt the little girl start to squeeze my hand, after we prayed we were just playing with her trying to get her to smile and she was slightly kicking her foot when we tickled it. In that moment I could feel God’s presence and see his miracles. It was such a powerful moment; it brought me to tears. Through the last month, we have seen and spoken to many different people with many different backgrounds, and through it all I have seen the Lord’s insane glory. 


Exodus 15:11  “Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?”