We left our ministry at CFN, and to say I went out swimming in my tears is an understatement. I met so many people there who have left a lifetime of impact on my heart. They’ve shown me Jesus in their actions, words, prayers and their love for the Lord. They invited my team and I into their families, their stories, and their ministry. Being with them felt like home. I am so grateful for the time I got to live life with them, let me tell you more about them…

Claus and Marie – these two met at bridal college… haha sorry I meant Bible college lol. God told Claus before meeting Marie, “this girl has everything you’re looking for in a wife”. They spent a year getting to know each other and then got married. I hope the Lord makes my husband that clear to me haha. They lived in the states for a while together then felt called to come help with CFN. They both have so much wisdom to pour out, I’ve loved sitting next to them and soaking in as much as I can. They care deeply for us and it shows in the way they loved me well, showed me grace when I didn’t deserve it, and gave me a laugh when I needed it. I always jokingly called them mom and dad, but they really did feel like parents to us. As silly as it is, there was a time I fell asleep during our women’s bible study meeting. We were praying for what felt like hours, and I was sitting by a warm fire, next thing I knew I woke up at the end of the meeting. I thought about it for a couple days, and processed through it with the Lord and apologized to Claus for what I perceived as disrespect towards him. He met me with SO much grace and love and explained to me it happens. I felt comforted by his words, it was what felt like a tangible example of Jesus that day.

Eri and Edlira – I always call Eri my “funcle” (my fun uncle). He really was the one you ask questions to if dad (Claus) said “no” lol. Eri taught me what it looked like to be a Mary in the kingdom, and just sit at the feet of Jesus. Not constantly doing something, but just being. He was quick to call out Jesus in me and my team but also fast to not let us sit in sin. If he saw thought patterns or actions he didn’t feel aligned with scripture he would be the first to encourage us to go to God with those things. Something I admire about Eri is how protective he was over us. We did a prayer walk around the city one morning when 4 dogs saw us and immediately started running towards us to attack. Eri, without any hesitation, stood between us girls and the dogs to protect us and get them away. Another example was when he saw two of my teammates out on a run during our free time. When he drove by, he got worried and was curious if they were running from something or someone. He called Claus and got out of his car to try to make sure they were okay (they were). Those are just two small examples of how much he cared for and loved us well while we were there. As for his wife, Edlira, she took the time weekly to meet with our team and get to know us individually. She would  translate the women’s bible studies for us, and Sunday church while also navigating having a 1 and a half year old there. Talk about super woman!


Dona – Man do I have a lot to say about this woman of GOD. The second I met this woman I knew she was intense. She sat next to me for lunch the second day we were there and told me, “Sarah, I feel the spirit telling me to remind you of Jeremiah 29:11″ (‘For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’) I processed it with God and asked Him what that meant for me. I was struggling with team dynamics at the time, and felt the Lord speak into the situation directly. He reassured me there is a purpose in the struggle, and power in praying for your teammates… even when you don’t want to. Another thing about Dona; this woman is so in tune with the spirit, I love it. She shared a little bit of her testimony with me and I admire her and how far the Lord has brought her. She’s had a pretty rough go around at life but you truly would never know with how she radiates the Lord’s joy and love. Dona has taken us under her wing since being here. She’s been a mom that I’ve loved being near. She’s been a shoulder I’ve cried on and a safe emotional space. She can quickly tell if someone’s having an off day, and will pursue and love them in the best way possible. She serves like crazy, loves well, blesses us left and right, and prays intensely for us. We didn’t deserve a Dona. She was one of the hardest goodbyes for me, and I hope I’ll see her soon. 

These WOMEN OF GOD. These are some of the women we did Bible study with. They don’t speak English but that never stopped us from loving one another. Every time I walked into the room for Bible study, I’d throw up my arms and hug them so tightly one by one screaming “LADIESSSSSS”. We weren’t able to understand each other unless we had a translator with us but there was SO MUCH love between all of us. 

After leaving Albania, a part of me wanted to shut off my heart towards other hosts moving forward. It was SO hard to be a part of these peoples lives, know their stories and walk alongside them for 6 weeks, knowing there’s a big chance we might not see each other again ’till heaven. I was reminded of Jesus, and how He treated Judas, knowing he would betray him. Jesus knew Judas would betray, but still treated him with the same love and care as the other 11 apostles. This reminds me I shouldn’t withhold my love and vulnerability moving forward just because there’s a chance I won’t see the people I meet again. There’s purpose in meeting them, there’s love to give and receive, and growth cultivated through diving deep in the time we’re given. The goodbyes are hard, but they are worth it. I could go on and on about these people, this blog is just a piece of my experience with them.


Now, do y’all remember how I told you about ATL?! I guess now is the time to tell you where my team and I ended up!! 




…. Drumroll….. 






We are in Thessaloniki, Greece!!! We just got here yesterday and have seen God show up in so many ways ALREADY. Going out of the country seemed like an impossible ask for all teams, BUT GOD basically wrote it in our Cheerios, and jumped through all the hoops to get us here. My next blog will tell you more details about this crazy story!