
What if I told you there is so much more to the scripture that you are consuming?

Since being on the race, my eyes have been opened to the importance of dwelling in the word.

Like really dwelling. Just this morning I spent an hour and a half on four verses. * The wedding at Cana is quite the miracle guys!! Grab your bible, a pen, and enduring word 😉 *

Back in the States, I would go through phases of craving scripture and knowledge of the Father. Eventually, my mind thought it consumed what it needed to and then I’d just go about my day. Nothing deeply stuck. I treated my time in the word as a “fix me” time. Looking for scripture that would confirm what I was feeling. I would look only to Jesus and what He said for comfort, rather then to acknowledge the whole bible as TRUTH! Essentially, I was putting Jesus in a box that was comfortable, secure, and safe for me.

And that’s just not healthy. And He is so much more!

The bible is all God ordained, not just the New Testament! The Old Testament points to Jesus! Each book of the bible was chosen by God and put there for a purpose, ultimately to point us closer to Jesus. Even the parts of the bible that can bend our minds and confuse our earthly minds was put in the bible by God to grow us closer to Him.

The word of God is God-breathed. Created by Him! For US!

Shouldn’t our deepest desire on this earth is to know our creator more?

The whole point of reading our bibles, specifically the gospels, is to imitate our lives like Jesus. And how can we be like Jesus if we just go with what we know and never dwell with Him? We won’t be changed if we don’t intentionally spend time with Him. We won’t look like Jesus if we don’t know His character and all that He said and did.

There is so much to learn about Him! Do you know how much He loves you? Do you know how much He wants you? Do you know how much He wants you to want Him? He is after your heart! But you have to want Him!

James 4:8 speaks of it quite simply: “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded”

We can’t read the life-giving words of our Father and then turn away from them. They have to mean something to you.

Romans 10:17 says “So faith comes through hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ”

Did you know that right now, Jesus is sitting upon His throne in Heaven interceding for you?? Romans 8:34 says that Jesus “is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us”. I’m sorry, what!!!!! That is the kindness of Jesus. The kindness of the Father. He loves us so much that He is in Heaven, praying for us.

If that’s how Jesus’ character is from Heaven, even though He already did everything He needed to on the cross, then I don’t know why I ever stop learning about Him while I’m here on earth.

Time spent with Jesus changes you for the better. Closeness to the Father is the most life-giving thing you can do!!

Thank you Jesus for your perfect word, for your steadfast love, and for your never ending pursuit of us from your Kingdom throne!!