
Currently, I am on a three-hour car ride from a place outside of Medellin, the city we are living in. As I am sitting here all I can think about is the goodness of God. 

God is a God of intentionality. He intentionally put my team in Medellin, Colombia at this specific time, for a specific purpose. We were supposed to go to Quito, Ecuador before we went to Colombia. However, plans changed and the two were swapped. Thinking about it, if we were to go to Ecuador first we would not have met some of the people in the Ciudad Refugio program. We would also have not met the other missionaries from Germany and others from America. Our time in Colombia would have looked so different, it still would be amazing, but God knew what our team needed. 

When I think about Jesus’ intentionality, I admittedly think of the Woman at the well. Jesus intentionally sat at the well during the day and waited for the Samaritan woman to come, knowing that the woman usually gets the water before the sun comes out because it is too hot. The Samaritan woman was considered inferior by society because of her sex, ethnicity, and relationship history. Jesus did not care about any of that. He sought her out.

That is what God does for us. He continues to have intentionality behind His every move. That is something the Lord has revealed to me these past weeks—His intentionality for us. 

Thank you, 

Kamryn Hart 

Prayer requests: My squad and I continue to remember why we are here – For Jesus. Also, our health stays in tact so we can help with ministry!!