First 4 days in Colombia have been very hard and challenging but very stretching at the same time. I’ve been sick but the Lord has shown me patience and has really softened my heart towards the people here. I know we are supposed to feel bad when you see somebody who lives on the streets. But as Americans I realized a lot of us don’t care as much as we should. So I found it really hard to relate to a ton of these men here but the Lord created this amazing game called soccer. Its truly amazing how the Lord used soccer for me to connect with these men and for me to learn more about them and it is truly amazing how the Lord has transformed their lives in the past 6 months. To see how the Lord has softened all of these men’s hearts in a macho man culture. Being able to interact with them everyday has been a blessing and my Spanish is rapidly improving and I just fall more and more in love with the Lord everyday I’m out here in Colombia.