
Red stained feet. Dirty toes. Sweat dripping down. Messy bun. Clothes that get washed in the river. Sleeping bags and sleeping pads. Speaking the name of Jesus. Giant spiders. So much food. A birthday celebrated. Boiling hot water to drink. Tired and trembling legs. Headlamps. Worshiping every night. Believers and unbelievers. 0 wifi. Endless laughter. Prayer. Time with Jesus on the rock. Baby goats. Questionable squatty potties. Revelation, 1st Samuel, Daniel and Luke. Showers in the river with only headlamps to see. The best week of the race.

The mountain.

We are working with an incredible ministry in Nepal!! Our first week here, my team (Aperantos) and team Shalom went up to the mountain! While living there, our main ministry was to hike to surrounding villages to share the good news to ears who have never heard and encourage the local believers.

We woke up each ministry day, ate breakfast, split up into our original teams, and hiked. We went up and down the village mountains. We got to share the love of Christ with those who have never heard the name of Jesus. With those who are saved but who are not practicing their faith. With those who are stuck and don’t know where to go in their faith walk. We got to love and encourage. We got to lay hands and pray. We got to teach believers how to pray! We got to speak scripture to those who can’t read it for themselves (a lot of people are illiterate in the villages).

We got to pour into the believers who are being spiritually attacked by the enemy. So many are living in fear and discouragement as the devil has come to steal, kill, and destroy. We got to read scripture to them and lift them up in the name of Jesus. We got to anoint their homes and themselves. Declaring victory in Jesus name over their homes. Declaring victory in Jesus name over themselves. Speaking scripture out- loud, giving them ears to hear! Reminding them of who Jesus is! 

We got to share the good news with those who have never heard. We got to introduce them to a love so sweet. A love that is chasing them down.

My team got to know a few boys who lived just above us. We visited them three separate times and got to share the gospel with them. As my team spoke, i was interceding that their eyes would be open and their ears would hear. That they would be receptive. The boys listened and by the second visit, they had questions. The part of the gospel that stood out to them the most was the story of Jesus. Then, at our last visit, they had questions about salvation. On our last morning, in between getting ready to leave and eating breakfast, both teams got to speak into their questions and share personal testimonies of how Jesus saved each of us. These boys are so close to saying yes to Jesus! So close to salvation! So close to an eternity with Jesus! So close to freedom and life!! Please be praying for them!!

*I can’t disclose names or locations for security reasons.