
Hey everybody. I am sorry that I have not updated you guys in a long time. 


But there is so much to tell you!


My team and I have been in Quito, Ecuador since the 15th of March. We are partnering with a foundation called, “Dunamis.” A little side note is that Dunamis in Greek means power or dynamite, which is important to keep in mind for what I am about to tell you. 


Now, what exactly is Dunamis? “Dunamis is a nonprofit organization that helps underage girls who have been rescinded from trafficking and sexual abuse” (The Dunamis Organization). 


After hearing what Dunamis does you may be a little speechless. I know I was when I first found out. At first, I wondered what would we even talk about with these girls. These girls have been through so much and experienced something heartbreaking. However, when I met the girls, all I noticed was their happiness. These girls are just like normal girls. They want to play games, braid hair, make jewelry, etc… The Lord opened my eyes and showed me that what happened to them did suck, but it is important to look at them as a new creation. Their past is their past AND a testimony to God’s faithfulness. The faith that these girls have is so admirable. They rely, trust, and love the Lord with everything that they have. 


Being here at Dunamis has given me a fresh wind. It has shown me what true obedience to the Lord is. It has shown me what forgiveness looks like. The time spent here at Dunamis has been a reflection. A reflection of the steadfast love of the Lord. 


Now, let us go back to what the word, “Dunamis” means. Power or dynamite. There is no coincidence of why they named the foundation, “Dunamis.” For there is so much power in the name of Jesus.


For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12 


Prayer requests: 

  1. That I press into the Lord, not only in the bad times but also in the good times too. 
  2. The unity within my squad
  3. Peace with my squad and for me for our future after the race! 

Lastly, I wanted to thank you guys for the support. Whether that was with donating or partnering with me in prayer, it means a lot. We are the body of Christ and we should be working together to build His kingdom!

With love, 
