
As we were hiking down a trail today with the woman of the ministry, the ladies started a water fight where I quickly sacrificed the water in my water bottle so that the game could go on. As we continued the hike back to the car, I had a thought: I never thought that this is what ministry could look like.


For the remainer of the hike, I reflected on the question, “What is ministry?” The result- this blog post. 

Giving away my water for a water fight, this is ministry.

Playing “don’t let the balloon touch the floor,” this is ministry.

Learning Spanish, this is ministry.

Helping the ladies pick mangos from random trees on the street, this is ministry.

Teaching English, this is ministry.

Planning 6:30am workouts, this is ministry.

Sorting the produce donations on Monday mornings, this is ministry.

Handing out aguapanella con pan, this is ministry.

Leading the women’s ministry lesson, this is ministry.

Eating raw potatoes with a new friend, this is ministry.

Playing no hands in the back of the cargo truck, this is ministry.

Hugging people good morning, this is ministry.

Dancing with kids, this is ministry.

Anything you do to love and live like Jesus, this is ministry.


Your ministry is where you are, it’s how you represent Jesus, it’s how you love others, it’s how you treat others, your life is ministry- if you let Jesus work in you and through you.

Let every moment of your life be a moment to serve Jesus and serve others. Let your life be a ministry that reflects Jesus and the salvation He offers each one of us.

What is your ministry?