Every country on the Race has been unique, but Thailand has felt especially unique. Maybe because of how long we’ve been out in the nations, maybe because of how others hyped up this country, maybe because of other factors… this was an interesting six weeks. And the Lord was working in it as much as any time! Here are some of my takeaways from our season of ministry in Thailand.
- The goal isn’t perfection, but growth – in myself and others alike
- Ownership is a skill for life in general, but especially life on mission for and with the Lord. If we don’t take willing steps in obedience to the Great Commission, nobody will for us! (And just being in another country doesn’t mean that obedience will be automatic.)
- Khao soi is absolutely delicious
- It’s ok sometimes to momentarily step aside from what’s been assigned to pursue open doors the Lord has laid along the wayside of that assignment. Do the sidequests!
- Some seasons are for fruit, and some are for preparing with God that fruit may be brought forth later
- The Lord can use our basic desires for Kingdom impact – even just little things like buying bubble tea
- We can never underestimate the power of prayer
- We cannot neglect worship, because it takes ground in the spiritual battle that we on our own cannot. Worship resets our gaze on our God and realigns our hearts to His, while declaring His goodness, grace, and glory. It has the capacity to shift entire atmospheres.
- Heart posture matters so much, in everything
- Gratitude makes even the smallest moments – like a cool breeze from riding in the back of a truck – blessings of the highest order
- In many ways, ministry is simply intentionality – of action and intent. It asks, how can I love God and those around me in this moment, in order to glorify the Lord?
- Just because it’s hard to press in to the Lord and seek His presence doesn’t mean we shouldn’t. In fact, it’s probably all the more reason that we should press in.
- Through faith, small interactions can have big impacts
- Every part of creation shows a different aspect of God’s kindness and creativity – we get to see more of Him through seeing more of creation
- Appearances can be deceiving, especially when it comes to spiritual realities
- There’s never a moment that God is not working. There’s never a moment that we are out of the reach of His grace and love.
- There may be no better place for bubble tea than Thailand – where else can you get it for just 57 cents? 😆
- The question to ask in any situation where there are unknowns and yet decisions to be made is, what has the Lord said about this? What is He saying currently? We have access to the throne of grace and knowing the will of the Father in and through Christ – may we take advantage of that!
- It’s a blessing to visit tourist cities where English is spoken… but the downside is not being exposed to or learning much of the local language 🤷♀️
- We can’t underestimate how much of an impact we have on kids, especially, when we intentionally spend time with them. And when we love “the least of these”, we’re loving the Lord.
- Tiredness is a reality of life, but its impact will be as much as we allow it to be
- Wherever we find ourselves worshiping the Lord, when we worship in Spirit and in truth, He shows up. We may not understand all the words being spoken or sung, but true worship is the same around the world. It’s a beautiful connection point.
Next up: our final stop, Cambodia! It’s crazy to think that we’re already to our last country – every season of this Race has seemed to zoom by, but it’s feeling even faster now that we’re officially in our last country and ministry. But then again, two months is still lots of time! Here’s to everything the Lord still has in store! ❤️