
World Race Training Camp, F-Squad Expedition. Team Happy Feet.


I am so filled and encouraged by what God is doing here!

The men and women of God that I have met here has filled my heart with love, truth, encouragement, and faith.

Love. My squad is filled with people so different than me, with little in common, but thank God, what we do have in common is faith in Jesus. God has given us so much unity and peace because of this, not strife or divisions. We truly seek to love each other and put others above ourselves. The other racers have loved us and been there for us just like Jesus has. Staff members and leaders care so much about every individual: by day two majority of staff was calling me by name even when there is over 50 racers here. They teach and lead by example of service, honor, and love.

Truth. The World Race builds on the foundation of of God’s truth, His word. They teach and preach the Bible, they live like Jesus, and show us the ways of Jesus for us to follow Him. One way this truth has impacted me is humility. Nobody here wants the glory, nobody here wants the honor or the title. Every staff member, leader, and racer serves with their heart and gives God the glory in everything they do. They boast in nothing but Jesus Christ alone and His Spirit in them. They feed us every meal, and the staff even arranged a communion dinner night on sabbath where the leaders fed and served us!

Encouragement. Personally, encouragement and building up others is not my strong suit. But every single person on my squad is so quick to encourage and build up my faith as well as others. They deny themselves, and lift others up that we would be built up in the spirit to become more like Jesus in all ways. I have been blessed especially by a a world racer who came to me during a worship night and said: “Noah, I saw God in you, and on your life. He has made you just like what Jesus described in Matthew 5 (the beatitudes) of those who Jesus say is blessed. That is just a small glimpse into the life God is cultivating our hearts here!

Faith. My faith in Jesus has been stirred up in such an overflowing way since being here. I feel so filled with God! We worship nearly every day, are taught biblical truth and wisdom principles for this missionary journey, and live all day with people sold out for Jesus! The kingdom of God is so present here and increasing our faith as He prepares to send us out! I am so eager to follow Jesus!

We launch for Guatemala on Monday evening, January 29th!

My Team. My squad is 11 members, and my team is 6 people. Our team name is Happy Feet.

Isaiah 52:7 How beautiful on the mountains
    are the feet of those who bring good news,
who proclaim peace,
    who bring good tidings,
    who proclaim salvation,
who say to Zion,
    “Your God reigns!”

Ministry. We will be living outside of Antigua, Guatemala. Partnering with a church there called worship room that has various ministries such as house visits, house churches, kids teaching, sports events, evangelism, and worship night! https://linktr.ee/worshiproom  I will be in Guatemala until April 3rd and with this ministry for 6 weeks!

Pray. Please pray for me to be obedient to Jesus and humble as I follow Him. I am currently at 50% funded and am believing God will supply every need! Thank you for reading and praying! Love, Noah.
