
Hey! Welcome back to the blog! Training camp is good but humbling(in the best way), and even though it’s only been a week, it feels like much longer. After those jelly and cheese sandwiches, I’m sooooo ready to launch to Colombia(as is the rest of the squad, whom I love very dearly), but determined to soak up the rest of this sweet season during our last few days in the States. God has been moving in some pretty powerful ways here, and reaffirming that this is where I am supposed to be, even if showers in 15° weather are pretty miserable. I’m learning new meanings of the phrase “dying to yourself” and this week’s anthem has been “die die humble humble!” On a more serious note, the sessions here have taught me a lot about the character of God and what my identity is found in(spoiler alert: it’s Jesus). I’m still learning to try and let go of control and fully surrender to the Father, because He is the one who sets me free from the pains and hurts of my past. Relearning the deeper meaning of John 15:5, the first Bible verse I ever memorized. “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” It’s such a blessing to get to experience Him in new ways while being surrounded by such a steadfast love.

Today we’re celebrating the Sabbath, which has been pretty challenging for me because of how fast my world usually goes. To slow down and just rest in the Spirit is a lot harder than it sounds, but it’s been a restful day that my body and soul have definitely needed. This past week I’ve been grown a lot, challenged a lot, chased after by Christ a lot, and to quote Payton, “God is moving dude!!” Feeling so seen and loved by D-squad, even though I sound slightly like a dying goat, and my spirit is just as full as those porta potties.

God bless,

Camille Curtis