
Hey y’all! I’ve been in training camp for nearly one full week now. I take showers in a shipping container, sleep in a tent, and wash my clothes in a 5-gallon Home Depot bucket. My living situation is so drastically different from what I’m used to at home, but honestly I am loving it. Everyone on my squad is so loving and I can’t believe I only met them 6 days ago. We already feel like family! Training camp isn’t what I expected. We spend a lot of time indoors. We worship, pray, and listen to seminars. A few nights ago, we worshipped outside after dark. Some guys joined in with their guitar and we sang to the Lord under the stars. It was so beautiful. The love of the Lord is so evident in the people here and it’s clear that He is moving. God has brought me so much peace during this transition and I’m so thankful that He put the world race on my path!

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