The first two weeks of my trip have been great. The first week was a bit hectic from going to training camp to traveling to Africa. Training camp was an amazing learning opportunity, I got to meet and get to know my squad, we played games did worship and had different speakers come and talk about lots of different topics straight from the bible. The topics from training camp were what is the gospel, digging deep into the bible, loving strongly, asking God good questions, listening to gods voice, and many more. one of my favorite things I learned at training camp was learning to listen to God’s voice and that pull when hes trying to get you to go talk to someone or pray for someone. I also loved the worship they really focused on the fact that we need to be giving it to God when we are worshiping, it is not for us it’s for him. we should be undignified before him when we are praising him we should not care what others see in us when we are praising (2 Samuel 6:21). Lately I have seen myself wanting to be more in the word instead of saying ugh I have to read my bible I’m saying I need to go read and study the word of God. My squad is also great at working together and holding one another accountable for reading and studying the word, I’ve seen everyone reflecting the lord in their everyday lives. In the airport we had a few people from our squad sick and everyone pitched in to pray for them and care for them. I have loved it so far and I can’t wait to see what God is going to do with me for the rest of this trip i mean that was the first week and I’ve already seen so much growth in my life and faith.