Howdy friends!
This week was spent in good ol’ Gainesville, Georgia! The Lord has shown up and absolutely shown off! We are 1/2 done with training camp, and the weather is complete opposite of what we will be in in South Africa! It’s so cold! Eating breakfast outside in 20 degree weather is not something I ever expected to do, but incredibly bonding for a team! Try it out sometime, it’s actually a lot of fun !!! This week was filled with worship, time with the Lord, card games, speaker sessions, challenges, and team building activities. It was such a sweet week getting to bond with the incredible team I was blessed with. The Lord intentionally hand picked each and everyone of my teammates, and there is not a doubt in my mind about that! They are just the most amazing people!
On a different note, this week I struggled with some pretty severe anxiety, which had a big hold on me. As many of you know, I am generally a joyful, giggly, and outgoing person. This week I really struggled to be my authentic self, due to the anxiety I was facing. On Thursday night, I found out a family member unexpectedly passed away, and had to fly home Friday night. I am home with my family for the next week and I am planning to fly back to Atlanta on Saturday to meet up back up with my team!
One scripture I am clinging to right now is Psalm 62, specifically verse 8: “Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us”. Amidst this chaos, the Lord so kindly reminded me that HE is my refuge, my safe space, my shelter, and my protector. I can take all my feelings, good or bad, straight to Him. He wants them, and He delights in the closeness. He loves his people well, and this I have tasted and seen this week, even during the hardships.
Prayers requests!
– prayers for healing, peace, and comfort as my family navigates a loss
– prayers for the enemy to back OFF! he hates what we are doing here!
– prayers for safe & easy travels as we travel across the world beginning next Saturday night!