Week 2 Sunday, started with a mile hike with each squad and all their luggage. My group had an hour to finish the mile walk and we ended up finishing in 38 minutes. I will say that it was tough and bags were being swapped and carried by everyone. I had a 50lbs duffle bag that I had on my shoulders, that made my neck hurt for days. Monday through Wednesday were role training, and I ended up getting 1 of 2 Team Leader roles for my squad. Honestly, I was hesitant to take it, but ended up having so many reasons to say yes and step into the moment.
Thursday was the second revival night, and it was amazing! I was feeling the Holy Spirit really calling me that night, but didn’t know exactly what that meant. During worship, I felt called to pray with some people, and that truly will fill your heart when you go with faith and love to people and ask to pray with them. After worship there was baptism and as I was watching, I felt moved to pray for people as they got baptized. Getting to the end, some of the people on my squad started getting baptized and I was able to lay a hand on them and pray for them, which was electrifying.
At the end when people were leaving some of the staff and squad leaders were getting baptized, and Jonathan is one of the guys that I got close to at training camp. He was on the 10/40 trip and he felt the Lord telling him to ask me to baptize him. It was a quick moment and I just said yes! I was nervous but said a quick prayer for the Holy Spirit to work through me. I had a good friend next to me helping me through it. I got down and held his hand and started praying out loud, and prayed for a couple minutes out loud. Then I got the honor to baptize him, and was one of the coolest moments of my life.
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