WOW what a week! This week has been full of so many great experiences and good memories. We have been getting used to the port-a-potties, bucket showers, tents and some of the camping life essentials. We have had so much learning, listening and soaking in this week and it has been a time of growing and stretching in our faith while learning to appreciate the little things. Our days consist of worship & sessions and preparing spiritual, mentally and physically to serve in all our separate ways out on the field. There are 8 different squads here all learning and preparing for life on the mission field for whatever length of time that they signed up for.

One of the best parts has been getting to know and connecting with our P SQUAD! a group of 19 of us that have been doing team building exercises, team prayer, and worship together while also experiencing bucket showers, early morning workouts, vending machine runs, game nights and fun conversations at meal times. We’ve been growing together in our squad time and through the worship and sessions. I am so thankful to be serving with a team that is so on fire for spreading the love of Christ!

Some of the biggest things that have stuck out to me this week and that I learned is that
- God is calling us to rest in Him and rely on Him for all things.
- We can be so blinded by our own personal things that we can miss the God encounters that are right in front of us.
- Jesus loves us so much and just wants to spend time with us! Learning to let go of the pressure and just sit with him:)
As we finished week one I realize how important this time is and what we are learning. I am so thankful to be here and to be experiencing this with our team! We head to SA SO SOON!!