
Traveling from Guatemala to Eswatini was definitely a haze.

With my role on my squad being Squad Logistics with my teammate Caroline, we are the main point people for travel days. We take care of pretty much everything that goes into travel except booking airfare. There is a lot of work leading up to travel days, but travel day itself is where a lot of responsibility falls onto Caroline and I.

So what happens if one of Squad Logistics gets a stomach virus/parasite/only the Lord knows at this point at 3 am the day a 67 hour travel day is about to start?


Im glad you asked, let me tell you.

Your amazing squad steps up to relieve you of your travel day responsibilities and essentially carries you (and your bags- shoutout Tanner) across the world to Africa. My squad, especially Caroline, carried my load as logistics and made travel day possible. For a total of about 75 hours the Lord used a very intense stomach bug to teach me about letting go of control and trusting my squad and Him.

Prior to the start of our travel day I was very much in the mind set of “if you want things done right do them yourself” a mind set I have been in my whole life. Though my Co-logistics partner, Caroline, is so incredibly talented in logistics and leadership, I have been in this mentality that I have to do everything and have control of all things logistics. Honestly, I was really unfair to Caroline and hogged our role that is definitely meant for two people.

However, through being sick and pretty much sleeping for 67 hours, the Lord taught me about letting go of control. If my very amazing, but also very human teammates can successfully get us from Guatemala to Africa, how much more can I trust the Lord to get me from where I am now to the calling He has on my life.

I needed to lose control over travel day to recognize that I can truly trust that the Lord does deal bountifully with me. I want the control because I think if I want it right I have to do it myself, but the reality is God is in control and nothing happens until He allows it to. May all the glory go to God for a safe and successful travel day and for my amazing squad.

What is keeping you from fully trusting God? The need to be in control? Fear of failure? Feeling inadequate? When was the last time you asked the Lord to reveal what is keeping you from fully trusting in Him?