
Have you ever struggled to provide for your family or wonder when your next meal will be? Let me tell you in eSwatini and in South Africa there are a lot of people that struggle with these hardships. Because of our powerful God, many kids and families are able to survive and provide for their families.

Lydia’s mission is the mission that we got to partner with. It all started at the dump. One day our ministry host Claire was throwing her trash away at the dump. She was approached by many women who fought for her trash. In the trash, they were looking for bottles to recycle for money. Claire was skeptical at first, but the next day she went back and brought a translator to help her understand. After comprehending what was happening, she felt that the Lord called her to start a mission here.

Through Lydia’s mission we got to hear so many women’s lives being altered. Their lives were restored; many of them got hired to work for Lydia’s mission. Now they are empowered women because they gained new skills and learned how to make things out of recycled plastics to sell. The women work at the farm as a gardener, sewers and translators. Here’s the link if you would like to support the mission and women: https://lydiasmissionshop.org/

Because they work at Lydia’s mission, the women are able to learn about God and support their families. This mission has grown a lot since it started. Not only does Lydia’s mission solely focus on women, they also teach Bible lessons and feed thousands of kids, teens, adults and elderly. Still today, my team and I got the opportunity to go to the same dump and share the gospel there. Last week, we handed out clothes and oranges to them which was both a blessing and sadness. Sadness came towards the end when all the women were racing to get extra oranges and clothes that were hand me downs and not in the best shape. In the moment of sadness, I thanked God how He has blessed us in so many different ways. Too many to even count. My friends and family every time you put clothes on and eat please be thankful and not to take it for granted. There are always going to be people in a worst situation than we are. 


An activity that went with the lesson

This mission has definitely turned one man’s trash into a treasure for many generations! It has also brought so much hope to hopeless souls. Acts 20:24 However, I consider my life worth nothing to me if only I May finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.