
First, let’s celebrate! 🎉 We are fully funded!! 🎉 Thank you all for your support. We have been so so blessed! We have enjoyed the conversations and coffee dates that fundraising has prompted. I hope that our blogs and social media posts are making you feel as much a part of this journey as you all should feel. Thank you again!

Adam here. So, I’m a bit late, but we finished our ministry in Uganda back in late December which was about 5 weeks long. Our experiences were so different from Kenya and we learned so many new things. Our main ministry was to evangelize and build the church community. Our team decided on the team name, “The Gardeners.” Looking back, this name was quite prophetic for the type of ministry we did there. We got to plant seeds in the hearts of people in Uganda, tend to them, and watch them grow (Luke 8:4-15).

Our host, Charles, loves the Lord and has such a caring heart. It was a pleasure hearing his story and future dreams – he is quite the visionary! After he committed his life to Christ,  he immediately felt the Lord call him to plant churches. Since then, he’s been involved in numerous church-plants all over Uganda! Only a month or two before we arrived, he felt God call him to plant a church in Namawojjolo; a highway town between two main cities known for its many factories and a pitstop to get chicken kabobs. One problem though, he didn’t even have a place to hold church, but he trusted in the Lord. Unknowingly, there was a woman, “Nalongo,” who also felt God call her to Namawojjolo but for a different reason… to build a church building! They connected, and “World Bridge Church” was born!

We arrived while the church was only 3 weeks old, where only one family was consistently attending. Every day, we did house visits to meet our new neighbors and then hold evening Bible Studies. We went door to door to introduce ourselves. We would ask them about their challenges, hear their life stories, share the gospel or word of encouragement, and then invite them to the Bible study and church. As we went, the Lord was truly with us (Matthew 28:20). It was the BEST feeling to see the people we interacted with show up to Bible study or church. People were hungry for more; more of the Word and the Truth!

We witnessed many people have their lives completely transformed! We experienced the life-changing, darkness-to-light, veil-lifting, death-to-life, transformational power of the gospel in front of our very eyes! There were many; like Robina, Olive, Lillian, and more. I even witnessed a man, Martin, give his life to Jesus. Praise God!

One person’s story that touched my heart was a man named Simon-Peter. He owned a plastics shop a short walk down the road. When we visited him, his face was downcast and he seemed burdened. We greeted him and introduced ourselves. I got to engage with him and he told me about his story and struggles. It broke my heart. He used to be a pastor but was rejected from the church. He then moved to Namawojjolo from very far away, from west Uganda, to find a job. He was missing and mourning the disunity in his family. He has gone through divorce in his life and rejection from his children and church. We sat with him and encouraged him that God is a god of unity (John 17:20-23) and that the Lord wants to guide him into his calling and restoration of those relationships (John 16:13). As we spoke, he lightened up and said that he felt hope again. From then on, he went to many Bible studies and was active in our life and church – always with a smile on his face! He is from the “Ateso tribe” – a tribe that doesn’t speak Lugandan, which is the main language in the Namawojjolo area. So Simon-Peter is now partnering with Charles to have a Sunday afternoon service for the Ateso people in his native language in the area! The Lord is still moving and using him in this church even after we left.

Charles reached out recently and expressed the challenge of being supported financially by the current members. They are in a lower income area and extra donations are harder to come by. So please be praying for the World Bridge Church in Namawojjolo and for Charles!

Finally, we are excited to invite you all into our wild journey in Nepal soon! The squad is going through many challenges both physical sickness and spiritual battles. We are learning how to look to the Lord and rely fully on Him. Hope to talk soon! – With Love,

Adam and Adrianna Borst