
under the mango trees. it’s where we sit and enjoy fellowship with a sister. we have to come to hear her story. to encourage and to show her the love of Jesus.

she brings us to a tarp. a place for us to sit. and surrounding us are mango trees. so many of them i simply can’t count. we are covered by them. and we are at utter peace. if peace was a place, we’d stay here forever. 

we sit and listen to her story. her story is one of faithfulness. she became a believer 15 years ago and is the only one in her family. she continues to follow the One who loves her, despite her family not following alongside her. she tells us about the hardships she has faced, but she speaks of the confidence that she has in the Father.

as she finishes her story, we are all in awe of her trust in Jesus. she has remained in Him and with Him all these years.

emma picks up her guitar and she starts to play. we all join her. sitting underneath the mango trees we worship our king. our father. the One who is always with us. we get to praise Him alongside a faithful sister and daughter of the King. it’s precious. a holy moment. a divine appointment.

after we worship, she’s lets us be for a little while. we sit and enjoy the moment. and after some time, she brings us back our favorite drink, masala chai! we sit and drink and fellowship. then she goes and gets us mangos. she cuts them and we take them to eat.

we sit in adoration as she shows us such sweet hospitality. we are grateful. thankful. and undeserving.

it was one of my favorite moments of ministry on the race. sitting and worshipping and eating and enjoying tea and fellowshipping and leaving so encouraged by one believers faith!

thank you Jesus for the few hours under the mango trees.