
I’m taking poetic license but its true, I’ve been spending a lot of time under the sky lately. Since being back in the states, I’ve been taking a lot of time dreaming and thinking about the best ways that I can pursue my dreams and be productive at the same time – or at least in the light of the next year or two. I’ve also been spending a lot of time outside, hah! In this time I’ve come to realize that I’ve forgotten how big my dreams are, and how much bigger they used to be; the passions that I know the Lord has placed on my heart and how He has used them in the past. What a time it has been thinking of ways that I can move forward in pursuit of His kingdom with the purpose of knowing Him.

There’s a few jobs and locations that I’ve thought about trying to land, and even more that are still a potential consideration, but I have not settled on anything yet. Some of these opportunities could be very beneficial for me but despite some level of present contrast in such benefit, I am choosing to be patient before committing because I know there will be personal and kingdom investment in anything I decide to do. Truthfully, waiting has probably been the hardest part.

As usual, re-entry has its challenges but I am indeed and undoubtedly blessed beyond measure. I am anticipating beyond the next few months / years where the Lord with place me on this planet.

Thank you supporters and prayer partners. I am thankful for your partnership on this journey and I can’t wait to see what’s next. Be praying for my time at home with my family, and that I might be able to get some doctors appointments soon.