Fundraising update!! I just hit 57% fundraised- which is HUGE! Thank everyone who has contributed to my trip, I am so thankful and I’m excited to be able to share as much as I can through this blog. My hope is that while on the race I can post at least once every-other week (depending on wifi service of course)  but I love to write so knowing me it’ll be more than that.

I’ve recently started to connect with a few of the people in my squad through a WhatsUp group chat and everyone is SO sweet. I’ve also been able to meet up with a few people from Knoxville who just got back from the race and it was so insightful. I was able to hear stories and ask as many questions as I wanted to- which were a lot. They shared stories with me and gave me advice on how I can make the most of this experience.

My feelings as I approach leaving home has felt all over the place so far- scared, excited, sentimental, and right about everywhere in between. Although I’m sad about leaving my friends and family for so long, I’m feeling very confident in God’s plan and I know that this is exactly what he wants me to be doing. My only prayer requests right now are just to calm my nerves as it gets closer to my launch date and just for everyone on my squad to be prepared and walk into this new adventure open minded and eager to share God’s love!

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