
I hope all of you have had an enjoyable holiday season. With Valentine’s day being today, those mylar balloons from Dollar Tree have been very difficult to turn away from. Hah! But in all seriousness, wanted to update you all in regards to the job hunt and my doctors appointments, and then share more of what I’m thinking in regards to missions (because that’s what I’m really excited about!)

The job hunt has been going okay. I have been diligently searching for a good opportunity and I will likely soon have to make a decision to accept or decline a number of positions. I am also hoping to choose in the next few months whether I will move somewhere else or not, but I must say, I will deeply miss the mountains if I do. This decision will likely be based on financial and learning opportunities; pray that I would be receptive to the call and will of the Lord.

Doctor’s appointments are going well. Even with my family, I’ve become quite disinclined to talk about it because aspects of the journey have become discouraging, but I am happy to say the least in that the appointments are going very well. I’m anticipating my next visit, and might decide to share more of this soon.

Okay, now, missions. In theory there’s opportunity for me to return to UA or any of the other places I’ve already been, but specifically I’ve been thinking about Albania, especially recently. My friend and his new wife have recently committed to serving there for a few years, and my heart is deeply saddened that I cannot be there with them. I miss him very much as well as the other friends I made there; the smiles and laughter within the small conversations and the big adventures alike. When I decided to leave Ukraine I heavily debated moving there instead of back to the USA, but decided against it. Please be praying for me, and also my friends in Albania as fruit in ministry can lift burdened and weary souls, especially when it seems the world around you seems so devoid of love or life. The people I know there have a very special place in my heart.

Asia. Among specific friends, one of my favorite things to do is talk in detail and reminisce over the things that the Lord did and the friends that we made in Asia. Pray for my friends there, and that the Lord’s will would be done in the future. There is a possibility I will be able to visit in the future, and I am praying that it works out.

Ah! Theres so many more things I wish I could do and so many more places I wish I could go! Of course the above is only two but they are the ones that I felt led to share right now. It is very difficult to be patient, and even not to feel like I’m turning my back on the Lord coming off of the field to hopefully hold a job and refocus, especially when coming off of the field was something that didn’t come about in the way I wish it did. Either way, His grace, His promises, and His guidance is enough, and I know that he is.

As always, I am deeply grateful for those of you who continue to read these updates and pray over me and the missions I have been on, as well as the many people I have come to love. Lastly, I just wanted to ask for prayer on behalf of the team that continues to serve in Ukraine and for the unique needs that they have in this time. They continue to serve many localities and preach the Gospel. Next update I’ll have to share a story from a few months ago of how a woman’s knees were healed.


Till next time 🙂

– Gabe