
Hello everyone! Thank you for reading my first blog! I plan to write blogs regularly to keep my friends and family updated on life and the exciting things to happen over the next year.

I want to give a little bit of a background story to my decision of going on the World Race. When I was 7 years old, my family took me on my first mission trip to Nicaragua. Here in Nicaragua, I realized the sensitive heart I had for the least, lost, and lonely, given to me by God. God gave me a vision here at 7 years old and has been refining and preparing me to bring Him to the nations.

Throughout my life until now, I have been blessed with the opportunity to go on mission trips and be involved in missions very regularly. As I got older, I never forgot the vision and longing that God placed in my heart. I knew that I wanted to be involved with missions in my everyday life I just didn’t know how. I researched for a few years looking for a way to make this longing my reality when God had the perfect timing and an amazing plan the whole time, I just needed to be patient.

Fast forward to August 2023…After so much prayer, thought, and questioning about this, I decided to apply. I was feeling so excited, nervous, and every emotion someone can feel. I had an interview call with a lovely lady whom I got to share my testimony with and we went over a lot of information about the race. Before this interview I was so so nervous, but I remember the Lord speaking through me and helping me get what I needed to say out. I prayed this prayer specifically after I hung up and many, many times after: “Lord, if this is not your will for my life, please shut this door.” I checked my emails what felt like 100 times a day and prayed over and over. One day in August I received the email that said “You are accepted to go on the World Race”. Wow. He really wants me to go!

Ever since being committed to the World Race, it has been a journey. There has been so much excitement and nerves as God has been preparing me to leave. The Lord has been working on my heart so much this past year. I am so thankful that He never gives up on me when I fail. He has came to my rescue time and time again, been my best friend, my Jehovah Rapha (healer), my rock, and been my peace throughout this year full of wild emotions. I believe that God doesn’t call the prepared, He prepares the called, and that is what He has done in me throughout my whole life is prepare me. Without Him, I could never do this.

I want to say thank you God for choosing me for this, thank you for preparing me and refining me through this past year. Thank you for using me, I am honored. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to go across the world and share the story you’ve given me and tell about the Egypts you have walked me through to bring people to you. Thank you to my church family who has raised me and molded me into person who loves Jesus with all my heart. Thank you to my family who has always supported me and covered me in prayer my whole life. Thank you to the women of my family (Mom, Mama Pat, Aunt Lisa, Aunt Amber) who have taught me what a Godly woman (Eshet Chayil) is. As my role model Pastor Larry Cochran would say, “go make Jesus look good!” I will do just that Pastor!

Please pray for me as it is hard for me to leave the people that I love. Pray for a boldness, strength, and comfort that only God can give because I need it right now. Please pray for my family, friends, and boyfriend as it will be a change for them too.

I am so thankful for everyone who has taught me, prayed for me, loved me, and supported me throughout my life. Thank you so much! Stay tuned for more!!!