“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me- watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Matthew 11:28-30
“Only as we drink down the kindness of the heart of Christ will we leave in our wake, everywhere we go, the aroma of heaven, and die one day having startled the world with glimpses of a divine kindness too great to be boxed in by what we deserve.” Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund
Put these two concepts together and you have my theme for Vietnam!
Spending the past few weeks in this country has been so special. We’ve made friends and tried new foods. And living in a country where openly talking about Jesus is illegal has taught me so many things.
My team and I have been staying in Da Nang, Vietnam for the past several weeks! It has beautiful beaches and plenty of local culture and food. With the Da Nang university and tourists, this is a busy city with lots to see!!
Our ministry while staying in Vietnam has been working with college students at English clubs!
Our days in Vietnam usually started with slow mornings, coffee shops, and the beach(when rainy season wasn’t making everything cold and wet!).
In the afternoons and evenings we had English Clubs with university students! They are a couple hours where we would make friends, play games, encourage each other, and help the students practice their english!
While the English was fun, becoming friends with the students was even better! They often took us out to eat their favorite local foods. We’ve eaten everything from Pho, Banh Bao, and even chicken feet that still had the toenails in them. Although I don’t think any of that can compare to the time we had rat meat. We taught each other new games, asked questions, and shared our favorite worship songs. I’m so glad that I can easily call these people my friends and enjoy spending time with all of them!!
Another important thing to mention about our time in Vietnam is that evangelism is illegal in this communist country. Since my team was working with a well known Christian organization, we were naturally monitored by the government more than others on our squad. Because of this, we weren’t allowed to spend time with the rest of our squad, and couldn’t do much more than give a friendly wave from across the street if we saw them.
This also impacted our ministry. We had to be careful with even small actions like when and where we could sing worship songs with students, openly talk about Jesus, or even how many people we could have over at our apartment.
This leads me to why I said that that quote and Matthew 11:28-30 are my theme for Vietnam!
In a season where I often found myself feeling weary and tired, I had a hard time remembering God’s love and strength for myself, let alone reminding other people about it.
And in a country where telling people about their savior is difficult and scary, learning to LIVE it out not only TALK it out became even more important to me.
This country has taught me the importance of drinking down the heart of Christ for myself, in order to live out His beautiful love for others in a way that can startle someone who may have never even heard the gospel message before. It has changed my perspective on what “ministry” can be and how to do it. And watching the Christians here leaves me in awe because they know this lesson better than we may ever be able to.
As my time in Vietnam comes to an end it’s definitely bitter sweet! I will miss this fun season and new friends. BUT I am SO looking forward to out next country- Cambodia!!! Excited to see all the the Lord has planned there!
That’s all for now!

Chicken feet… still had the bones and nails.