
Here is my 2-week delayed post. I got to training camp on September 1st, and so much has happened since then. These past two weeks have been filled with amazing experiences, and I’ve seen God move in so many powerful ways.

Before I even arrived, saying goodbye to my family and friends was really hard. It was such a bittersweet moment, knowing I would be away for so long. There were lots of emotions—I was sad to leave the people I love but also excited for what God has planned. Trusting that He has something special in store for me helped give me the strength to take that step.

At first, I was really nervous. Meeting new people, being in a new place, and not knowing what to expect made me feel anxious. But after a few days, things started to change. It slowly began to feel like home, and I’m so thankful for the friendships God has already given me. These people are incredible, and I know they’re going to be a big part of my journey over the next several months.

However, it hasn’t been easy. There have been challenges along the way. But through these tough moments, I’ve already learned so much about my faith and myself. One of the biggest things God has shown me is that I needed healing—deep, inner healing. That has been one of the hardest things for me to face, but I know it’s necessary. He’s been leading me through it, even though it’s been painful at times.

One morning during worship, something happened that really changed things for me. A girl I had never met came over to pray for me. I didn’t know her, and I didn’t know why she was praying over me, but what she said hit me hard. She said she saw me in a dark room, but that Jesus was opening the windows to let light in. She said that I needed to be with people who have that light and, at the end of her prayer, she told me, “Freedom is coming.”

That moment made me realize God is with me even when I feel alone. For months, I’ve struggled with feelings of loneliness. On my 18th birthday back in July, I saw a tattoo that said, “Free now,” and I’ve been wanting to get it for a while. I kept praying about it, asking God what “Free now” meant to me. I wanted to know if it was just about freedom in Christ or something more. Hearing that girl’s prayer confirmed everything for me. It felt like God was giving me the sign I had been waiting for, showing me that freedom is indeed coming.

I have been trying to be patient with God. Sometimes it feels like I’m waiting forever, but His timing is always right. That same week, I felt this strong pull to get rebaptized. I was baptized in 2022, but for the last two years, I’ve felt like I wasn’t truly following Christ. Since arriving at training camp, I’ve felt a new peace and joy that I haven’t felt in a long time.

On September 12th, I made the decision to re-dedicate my life to Christ. I’ve never felt so much pure joy, and I know it’s coming straight from God. Looking back, I’m so thankful for these past two weeks. They’ve been challenging, but they’ve also been filled with growth, healing, and so much grace. I’m excited for what’s ahead and grateful for everything God has done so far.

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