
World Race training camp week 1 


hello lovely people, 


It is Friday here at training camp, day 6. Just wanted to pop in and tell you that God is ALIVE here at training camp! The movement is real. This place is real (yes Robert, that statement is for you, this place is legit and not a scam). There is so much love here.

 I have been learning and growing so much in the spirit and I’m excited to see where He takes me this year. I will be honest and say I did feel a little out of place on Monday. I felt as if I wasn’t supposed to be here. There are so many priests and saints here, that I felt like the least of these. However, our next devotion was about how if any of us feel like we don’t belong then that is just the devil lying to us. That we heard His calling for a reason and we do belong here. The spirit works in ways that is beyond our understanding, God knew several others and I needed to hear that.

Also, My squad is AWSOME, F Squad up bby! They are so encouraging, so kind, so knowledgable. They have really helped me with this transition away from family and friends. And are pushing me in spiritual ways ive never been pushed. I feel like I’ve already known these people for years and its only been 6 days. I am so exited to see how we learn and grow together to become one body in Christ in these next 11 months. 

A run down on training camp: 

It has been hard. Hard mentally and physically. The Adventures in Missions staff is really doing a great job at preparing us on how the race MIGHT look for us. They are also preparing us spiritually in ways I’ve never felt. We have been doing A LOT of different bible sessions, scenarios, team building exercises, etc. it has been a jam packed week. But it’s wild how quickly the time is passing by. This week has been so FULL.Full of the SPIRIT, LOVE, and PEACE. Even though it’s been full, time is still flying by too quickly.

I think I can say we are all starting to feel the byproduct of some restless nights. There are also ALOT of people getting sick. So prayers that we all stay well so that we are not distracted in our learnings and worship. However, tomorrow is Saturday and we get and extra hr of sleep!! Hallelujah! 

a typical day here so far: 

  • -wake up between 6:30-7
  • -face wash and brush teeth outside with a hose (reminder its January, the typical morning temp so far has been between 15-20 degrees outside)
  • -have all your belongings and bed packed back up into your backpack and into the storage room before 7:40
  • -personal devotion 
  • -breakfast outside (aka our squad huddled around a heater) (the heater is a huge blessing though)
  • -worship with all squads  
  • -session with all squads 
  • -session with F squad 
  • -lunch outside (around the heater) 
  • -free time 
  • -session with all squads 
  • -dinner (around the heater) 
  • -campus cleanup 
  • -squad time / team building 
  • -lights out at 11 

*showers are allowed roughly 3/4 times a week (definitely glad I brought camp wipes haha) 

*bathrooms are porta-pottys (that are apparently nicer than what we will be using on the field)

*we all sleep in one room on the floor

All jokes aside, Ive loved every bit of training camp so far. Ive even enjoyed my phone being takin away every morning so I can be present and not attached to anything during the day. I wouldn’t change a thing about it 🙂 until next time…

Over and out, 
