First full week of Thailand is doneeee!

Every morning from 8:30am-12:30pm I was with Jaylynn and the older kids at Connie’s Home. The days are very scheduled starting with playtime, into eating a snack, teaching lessons, having lunch, reading, and ending with yoga. All of the kids are super funny and creative with how they play, which can be a little rough sometimes haha, but they really are so sweet.
ALSO the rides there and back are one of the best parts of the day being able to listen to music and look out the window of our Songtaew.
Some of us went on runs a couple nights this week. We run about two miles every time which has been hard but sooo good. I’m hoping to make it a more consistent routine this coming week.

Thursday was thanksgiving!! My team did feedback in the form of saying what we are grateful for for each other andughit was so perfect. After that we walked to a rooftop burger place called Paper Butter Burger. I had one of the best burgers of my entire life, and I think I ate it in less than a minute. After the amazing food, we walked to the grocery store by our hostel, then all watched Charlie Brown Thanksgiving! It was such a good Thanksgiving even though I was missing my family and the traditions back home.

Friday it was crazy, we ended up going back to Paper Butter Burger to watch a girl named Poppy perform some FIRE songs while I ate my two sides of fries. We took an extended walk home to go down a road full of lighted arches which was SO worth it.

Saturday was our adventure day and I went out to the mall with Lexi, Jaylynn, and Kat! The malls here are already so beautifully decorated for Christmas so that’s been cool to see, even if it doesn’t feel like Christmas. THEN at 10:00pm the whole team and I took a spontaneous trip to another mall to watch “Wicked” in the movie theaters. Holy moly it was so good. We did end up getting back home at 2:00am but I wouldn’t change a thing.
On Sunday morning we had the opportunity to attend a Thai church service! I actually loved the schedule and everyone’s joy was so prominent. To be honest I was very sleepy from the late night before so I wasn’t as present as I could’ve been, but I really enjoyed it either way. Also we got to see the boys and it was so, so fun. I had an insane burger at Stories cafe, then we got some smoothies.

Emotionally I’m still feeling funky like last week, and I think it’s still things I have to process with the Lord. It is a little frustrating not being able to get myself out of a rut easily like I normally do, buttt I think that’s what He wants me to recognize is that I can’t fix things myself. I was talking last week about how much a difference spending time with God in the morning makes for the rest of the day, and I think I’ve still lacked in that area. But wow also I have been hard on myself a lot, so I just need to remind myself that I’m not perfect, and it’s okay to not be okay. Anyways, obviously I have lots of thoughts going through my head. I know God will meet me where I’m at.
This week I’m hoping we can do some more ministry outside of Connie’s Home! Gretchen gave us some more tools for evangelism and I want to see how we can put those to use. For some reason it feels like the time here is super short compared to our time in Malaysia, and I’m feeling an urgency do more things related to ministry. Even if it’s not crazy testimonies, I do want to see God move in a more tangible way this week if it’s His will. 🙂