
Debrief is over and we’re currently on our first flight to get to Europe! A lot happened this week being back together with the squad.

Making french toast in the hallway 😜


       Monday was our last full day at Bella Goose, and the team and I celebrated Christmas together. Emery and Ava made their Grammy’s french toast for us, then we gave each other our unserious Secret Santa gifts.

The iconic stairs
Ava’s Christmas present











The movie snacks

       The next day we packed up all of our stuff and cleaned. We drove about 15 minutes to our debrief location and met up with everyone!! I was not expecting the dormitory to be so nice, but wow it was beautiful. It was overwhelming seeing everyone at first, but after a little bit I was just excited. We did a little Christmas Eve service, watched The Grinch, and just hung out the rest of the night.

Watching the live action Grinch









Noodle (the cat) chillin during quiet time

        CHRISTMAS DAY: I woke up early to do my quiet time, and we all ate breakfast together. I lead a little worship with Sofia, then did our white elephant gift exchange. Everyone got dressed up in the evening for our Christmas dinner which was sooo bus. It didn’t really feel like Christmas this year being away from my family and friends and all the traditions, but I recognized that I wasn’t super bothered even though I’m such a tradition girl. I did get to call my family which made me feel reassured as well.

Fancy Christmas set-up
Team all dressed up









        ALSO BIGGG NEWS! That music video that we filmed in Malaysia just got released!!! Check it out. 😚



        Thursday was when our real debrief started. We did two sessions in the morning, then went out in groups in the afternoon for ATL ministry. I was with Jackson, Aliya, and Liv. We all started out by praying and Jackson felt like he heard “north” and Aliya thought about a coffee shop. I took some extra food we had from lunch and we set out for a coffee shop that was north. We walked all throughout a village and into quieter parts of the city, and we didn’t find anyone to give food to/talk to. We got to the coffee shop where we four ordered some drinks and got to catch up from the last month. We prayed for the server and her mom there which was sweet!! After the coffee shop, we walked to a church that we could see from there onto a college campus that was currently empty for Christmas break. We thought we might as well keep walking and go to an American diner. In order to cut down 40 minutes, we had to cross a super busy highway, and it was actually so scary lol. We made it to the median, but there was a blind corner where cars were flying at 60mph. We all prayed for a big gap for us to cross, and sure enough after a minute there was. A little testimony there for sure. The diner was cute, but there was no one in there besides us. I was feeling a little defeated by this point because I was hoping for lots of people to give the extra food to, or someone to walk into the diner to pay for, or just someone share Jesus with bluntly. While eating our food I was talking to my group and we felt like even though we didn’t do anything super crazy for ATL, we got to be really intentional with each other. I think God wanted to show me at least that ministry won’t look how it’s always “supposed to” I guess. After that conversation I felt more encouraged.

The university we walked around
Old-fashioned American diner










Other sticky waterfall sign 🙂

        Saturday was our adventure day as a squad where we all went back to Sticky Waterfalls!! We drove up with our old driver, Pawn as a team. When we got there I did the waterfall once and then got to chill at the top with everyone and eat some fire fries. Afterwards we came home and some people went to the night market, but I just stayed home to rest. Originally I was thinking of going, but Sunday wasn’t going to be sabbath like normal, so I thought doing it tonight was better. It definitely was and I’m grateful I took that time to rest.



Girls’ last time at Bella Goose 🙁

        We got to visit Bella Goose for the last time Sunday during lunch. Afterwards was our team debrief with our coaches and mentor. It was very productive, but honestly there were a few things uncovered that we’ve never spoken on as a team that we are needing to work through. I’m thankful we got to be open though. I had my afternoon of one on ones which was really great to get some wisdom and to process the last couple months. In the evening we did a game of Pictionary with everyone and it was cute haha.

My team is the best even though we lost pictionary

       There is a LOT that happened in Thailand that I still need to process, so hopefully I’ll be able to do that this coming week. We head out to Europe on Wednesday which is insane. Right now to be honest I’m feeling a little bit of dread, mainly in the ways of us splitting up with the squad again. I was nervous for us to all come back together, but it turned out to be such a good week and now I know I’m going to miss them so much. My team is also all in Greece while the other three are in Albania, so being a whole country away is a little sad. There are going to be so many good testimonies though!!! I’m not sure at all what to expect from ministry in Greece which is okay, but I want to be pushed and challenged these next two months.

We’ll see what Thessaloniki has for us. 🙂