
A Re-Birthday Celebration: Reborn on my 27th birthday 

There are moments in life that transcend the ordinary, moments that redefine our existence and grant us a fresh start. For me, this moment happened on my 27th birthday – my re-birthday. In the waters of baptism, I found a profound connection with the divine, a renewal of spirit, and a rebirth that transcends any earthly celebration. Join me as I share the transformative experience of being submerged, feeling the warmth of the Son, and receiving the breath of new life.

  • A Greater Gift on My Re-Birthday:
  • Imagine receiving a gift on your birthday that surpasses all others – the gift of being reborn by the Holy Spirit. In the depths of my spiritual journey, I was once dead in my trespasses, but through the waters of baptism, I received a new life. It’s a gift that goes beyond material possessions, a gift that touches the soul and transcends the limitations of the earthly realm.
  • I Have Been Under Water My Whole Life But Have Never Felt So Alive:
  • The act of being submerged in water during baptism is symbolic of a profound spiritual reality. It represents a burial of the old self and a rising to new life in Christ. As I felt the waters enveloping me, I couldn’t help but sense the presence of something greater than myself. It was a sacred moment, a divine embrace that marked the beginning of a new chapter. I felt as if could have stayed under the water for eternity. 
  • Feeling the Son’s Warmth Through the Cold Waters:
  • In that moment of submersion, I felt a warmth that wasn’t of the water but emanated from the Son – a spiritual sunlight that penetrated the depths of my being. The symbolism of the Son’s warmth is a reminder of the continuous love and grace that accompanies our spiritual rebirth. It’s a warmth that dispels the darkness, providing comfort and assurance as we navigate the journey of faith.
  • You Never Need Your Breath Until Your Under Water:
  • The breath of new life is powerful. Just as one doesn’t fully appreciate the need for breath until submerged underwater, the breath of new life poured into me during baptism was a revelation. It was a breath that filled my lungs with the Holy Spirit, awakening my soul to a newfound vitality. The baptismal waters became a conduit for the divine breath, infusing me with the life-giving power of God’s grace.

On my re-birthday, I emerged from the baptismal waters with a profound sense of gratitude and purpose. The experience of being submerged, feeling the Son’s warmth, and receiving the breath of new life marked the beginning of a transformative journey. As I celebrate this spiritual milestone, I am reminded that the greatest gifts often come from above, and the rebirth through baptism is a testament to the boundless love and grace of the Creator. May we all find renewal in the sacred waters of rebirth and embrace the gift of new life with open hearts and spirits.

Love you.

over and out,
