Monday-training at the worship room. The training was about using musical talents during worship if you have it and if not, you can pray. The elements of worship are corporate worship, spontaneous and Development of biblical passages. Overall, the word has to be the number one.
Tuesday- we went to Chimochoy school. They started school this week. At that school half of my team taught English to the kids. The other half of the team helped with gym class (which I was part of). After school we helped the kids practice soccer. This whole day brought joy to me because I really enjoy being physically active.

Wednesday- went to the village to help the family build a house. Such a blessing and joy because they made us lunch with what little they had. It was sad to see that they didn’t even have clean water and they get their clean water from far away.
Thursday- we went to the AIM base in Guatemala and helped deep clean so that future missionaries can enjoy the clean atmosphere. Then we went to the worship room and worshiped.

Saturday-My team went back to prayer mountain. We did one on one with each other to learn more about one another. Then we went to the house of prayer and worshiped and received a message.
Sunday- we went to Guatemala City to visit one of my team’s members family. It was amazing. We had a feast. Felt such enjoy and love from the family!
This week I am thankful for what I have and to not take things for granted. It was hard to see and hear that some families struggle to get clean water to even wash their hands. Not only that, they have to go a long way to get water. After seeing this I am reminded to also use our resources wisely and to not be wasteful.
Another thing that I have come to conclude is that we need to be willing. Be willing to do whatever it takes, be willing to get dirty and be willing to be flexible. At the beginning of the race I was trying to stay semi clean because I didn’t want to get sick and I wasn’t used to being so dirty. But, after this week I have decided it’s ok to be super dirty, you will get clean eventually. Some people here don’t even have clean water to get cleaned. We need to be okay with being dirty for temporary reasons, just take the extra precautions that are necessary to not get sick.
Please pray for me and my team:
- To not be fearful of getting dirty
- Being flexible
- Being willing to do what is necessary
- Health
- Peace
- Gratefulness
As many of you know I am still fundraising towards my mission trip. I have 23% left to raise by May 30th. Please prayerfully consider supporting me. Gift of any amount is greatly appreciated. Copy and paste to donate:
You can also Venmo @Yumei-a.