This past week was filled with a lot! We had the opportunity to go on multiple adventures, participate in classes with the students, spend quality time together, and even navigate some challenging moments. We engaged in some deep conversations and discovered the importance of communication within our group. Additionally, we learned how to support and love each other better. I’m truly excited about the upcoming weeks and our growth as a team!
Here are some cherished memories from this past week:
We got to visit a Pagoda on Tuesday.
We walked up about 1,000 steps to get to the top and then fed monkeys and walked around the Pagoda.
Afterwards we had a picnic for lunch. Khmer Grandma packed us fried potato’s, rice, chicken, watermelon, and rambutans.
We even had a friend join us.
– Last Friday, the kids got to practice English with the children at the street market on Friday. We all enjoyed some drinks after.
Exploring Angkor Wat, one of the seven man-made wonders of the world!
We also had an amazing opportunity to take a weekend trip to Siem Reap. After Friday night ministry, we drove two hours to Siem Reap, got a few hours of sleep, woke up at 4am, got in a tuktuk to Angkor Wat for sunrise, and spent the next eight hours exploring the famous archaeological site—touring temples, taking photos, admiring architecture, and even encountering monkeys. Lesson learned: it’s not wise to try to retrieve something from a monkey that it took from you.
On Thursday, I was tasked with taking class photos of teachers and children. When I entered the kindergarten class (which I taught last week), all the children jumped up from their seats, ran to me, and gave me the sweetest hugs. Their faces light up when they see us, and I’ve fallen in love with their beautiful Khmer smiles. The kids here adore hugs, high fives, fist bumps, completing heart shapes with their hands, and playing ‘baysang song’ (rock-paper-scissors).
Please keep us in your prayers:
– Safe travels as we prepare to travel to Thailand in the coming week
– Protection from illness and continued success in spreading the word of God through our ministry
Thank you for your support!