
Different country, different ministry, different week in the life! Here in Ecuador, we’re working with a ministry called Dunamis, which serves underaged girls who have been rescued from human trafficking. To know more about what I’m doing, the foundation or to donate to their ministry, check out their Instagram page at dunamisfoundation!

I woke up early and did some quiet time and we had breakfast before staring ministry. This morning, I was on construction so we went and shoveled out a space for a path down to the stables where the girls here do equine therapy! Then we had lunch and headed out to a big plaza where we do community outreach every afternoon! Today we had soccer practice for a few hours and I got to share something that the Lord laid on my heart recently: preaching from 1 Peter. During practice we ran sooo many laps and did a lot of drills that included running, so some scripture that reminded me of today was Hebrews 12:1 – “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to a life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” When we got back, we had some leftover plantains and some time before dinner, so me and Ellie baked some plantain bread for the squad. We had some soup for dinner and then did feedback and played a fun game for team time before I showered and went to bed early.
Today was my day to help prepare breakfast at 6:30! After taking breakfast back to the house, I got ready for the day and spent time in the Word and did our Bible plan on the Bible app(we’re in Ephesians studying the armor of God). Also, Tuesday is grocery day! Because we live on a mountain and pretty far away from town, each week, two people from our squad go out and get groceries for everyone, and it was my week this week, so while the rest of the girls on my team worked in the greenhouse, me and a squadmate headed down the mountain into town and got groceries all morning! We came back a little late for lunch and usually on Tuesday afternoons we play baseball down at our community field with the kiddos, but it got rained out so we went to the building we teach English in and played games for most of the afternoon. Then we went back to our house and had dinner and feedback, and for team time we played Among Us, because it’s been several months and we’re really running out of ideas. Then we did our daily chores(we have a chore chart on Google Sheets) and then I showered, did some prayer journaling, and went to bed!
Today my rotation had me with the girls in the program, but at 6:55 I was told we were heading to court for one of the girls cases(it was very last minute and I ended up throwing on a pair of dirty sweatpants). Usually when I’m with the girls we’ll help with lessons like English and math in the morning and also do their jiu jitsu class with them, but today we spent most of the morning driving towards the court. I got to talk with the lawyer a little bit about what he does and God’s role in his profession(he spoke some English), and then we waited outside for awhile. Then we went to lunch and started the long drive back, and stopped for ice cream on the way. We got back around 5 pm and then went to helped the girls with their kitchen work until dinner. After dinner we had feedback and played some games for team time, then I showered, sent some emails that I’ve been procrastinating, did my daily Bible plan, and prayed journaled before bed.
I was on breakfast again this morning, so we left the house at 6:30 to get food for the house. Afterwards, I gathered my laundry for laundry day and spent some time in the Word before ministry, and it was our team’s day in the greenhouse! We fertilized the plants for a few hours, and then did some more plant care (I don’t know how to describe it but it involved tying things and shoving branches around so they grow better) for a few more hours until lunch. After lunch I caught up with my sister via audio message (she’s the best I love her) and then we made some frozen fruit smoothie before afternoon ministry. Thursdays we do fun English lessons for some of the kiddos in the community and play games and have snacks until we head back to the house for dinner. Feedback and team time after dinner and then I showered, read some Scripture, prayer journaled, and then went to bed.
Last day of ministry for the week! I woke up and had breakfast, spent some time in the Old Testament, and then had our team Bible study. Then I worked in construction for about four hours, where I moved some bricks around and shoveled some stuff on a path. After lunch I had some time to read some of my book and chug some coffee before community, where we trained for a few hours and played a soccer game for the last half hour. Then we had dinner, feedback, and squad church(which I accidentally fell asleep during don’t be mad Amy I love you).
ATL Day!! Today we went to a hot springs about two hours from Quito, so we took a bus in the morning and enjoyed the hot water on our sore and tired muscles. We ate lunch there and then saw a chapel and went hiking in the area around the springs where me and Ellie ate suspicious berries off a tree and found some pretty waterfalls. Then we headed back and stopped to go zip lining over a lake on the side of the road for ONLY $5 and it was just as sketch as it sounds but was an absolute blast. We made another pitstop to buy cheese, yogurt, honey, and candied peanuts also on the side of the road and everything was so yummy. After we got back, I took some time to clean up my little bunk(my entire living space that gets messy so easily and stresses me out when it does), and then we had dinner as a squad! Afterwards, I spent some time in Scripture, and then showered, did some prayer journaling and caught up on some plans on the Bible app, and went to bed.
Today is Sabbath! My prayer watch hour was from 6-7, so I watched the sunrise, spent time in prayer, and then did my quiet time after. I ate breakfast and watched church with Kam, then laid down for a little bit before we had a Narnia marathon because I’ve never seen them and they’re based off of the Gospel! Our team was in charge of making dinner, and we made pancakes, eggs, and chorizo! After dinner I called my mom for a bit and then we had Bible study through Philippians before finishing the final Narnia movie. Then I showered and am finishing up this blog before I go to bed!

Recently someone told me if I go to bed at night and I didn’t feel stretched that day, then I’m doing something wrong. So I’ve been learning to pick up my cross and die to my flesh daily, and grow in the most uncomfortable parts of my day, whether it be physically struggling to lift bricks or stumbling through my limited Spanish trying to talk to people. In no way can I ever capture every moment of every day, but I did try my best. There truly is nothing like this life, and I consider myself so incredibly blessed to be surrounded by such great community. I’m being reminded every day that the World Race really isn’t just a mission trip, but a discipleship institute, and what a blessing it is to serve others while growing alongside each other in faith! I’m learning what it means to fully rely on the Father in every aspect of the day, and my life is all the better for it.


Camille Curtis