

day 1 & 2!

the adventure begins…

training camp week 1!

  • said goodbye to my family!
  • set up my new home (my tent)
  • met soooo many new friends who already feel like family
  • learned that gods character is predictable! he is RIGHTEOUS, LOVING, GRACIOUS, JUST, FORGIVING, his mercies are new every morning!
  • he longs to be in relationship with us! so we asked ourselves, what part of our faith is grounded in something other than jesus?
  • he calls me his “precious daughter,” I AM A CHILD OF GOD!
  • through all of the hard goodbyes, jesus has filled me with an overwhelming amount of his peace and joy!

day 3, 4, 5!

  • we took our first bucket showers!!! & did bucket laundry, thank you jesus!
  • my squadmate ella & i shared a tent when tsa “lost half our luggage”
  • SO much worship, teaching, and time with jesus! so fruitful, god is so good!
  • we learned who we are in god and where our identity is found
  • we learned that his love is unconditional and that we can’t do anything to lose or earn it.
  • REVIVAL NIGHT TESTIMONY, one of my squad mates had scoliosis and a visible curve in her back that caused a lot of pain and discomfort in her day to day life. as her back was prayed over, she literally felt her spine pop back into place one by one. her spine that once was crooked was completely straight, she was even able to touch her toes something she had never been able to do. GOD HEALS!!! HALLELUJAH!

day 6 & 7!

  • we practiced house visits and learned how to share the gospel! we learned that we don’t have to have all of the right words, our lives have been transformed by the gospel and we get to offer that same hope to others!
  • my sweet friend ashlyn and i laid under the stars every night thanking god for his creation
  • we had culture day where we dressed as if we were in indonesia and ate traditional meals from guatemala, south africa, and india!
  • we saw beautiful sunsets!
  • the women had an intense but crazy fun fitness challenge and an opportunity for repentance and vulnerability
  • we learned that sabbath is gods heart and design for his children! today and everyday we rest in him

our squad is anointed with JOY!

“you make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

psalm 16:11


thank you for your continued love and support!!!

prayer items:

  • continued generosity in my fundraising process (i’m 70% fundraised praise god!)
  • that physical sickness and the heaviness of homesickness on our squad would cease
  • continued UNITY and JOY! and praise for fellowship and friends who are on fire for jesus!

xoxo, lily

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