On Monday and Tuesday, we worked on the farm and also went into town to pray for families. It felt good to connect with them and share hope during tough times. One woman had lost a family member the night before we arrived, and hearing her story was heartbreaking. Another older woman was happy to share all the miracles God had done in her life.
Wednesday was our “dump day.” We visited a local dump where many families search for food and items to sell. It was heartbreaking to see. We brought food and coffee for them. Before they ate, I had the chance to speak to the crowd about one of my favorite Bible verses, 2 Corinthians 4:17-18. I was a little nervous, but an elderly lady in the front row kept nodding and saying “amen,” which encouraged me. Sharing the gospel like this has really helped me grow in confidence. After I spoke, Boden gave a message about receiving Jesus into your life, and it was really good.
After that, we took a three-day sabbath. We decided to fast, which meant resting a lot. I ended up sleeping through the first two days.

On Saturday morning, I called my family, which is one of the highlights of each week. I also washed some clothes—definitely needed! Then I spent the rest of the morning outside, reading the Bible in the sun.
This week felt slower than the last, but I’ve still been learning a lot. To be honest, I’ve been really wanting to go home. Being around 20 other people all the time can be draining. I usually need 1-2 days to recharge after social interaction. These feelings have often lead me to ask God why He sent me here.
Before this trip, I read Exodus, where the Israelites are freed from slavery and experience incredible miracles, only to complain to Moses about wanting to return to Egypt. During my fast, I realized I’m a lot like them. I’m learning so much about God and about myself, but I’m also tired and missing home. Despite these feelings, I know this experience is important for my growth. I’m trying to remind myself to embrace this time and trust that it’s shaping me in ways I might not understand right now. It’s easy to forget that God has a purpose for everything, and it’s easy to forget how far He has brought me.
This week has been filled with amazing experiences, growth, and the joy of serving others. I can’t wait to see what’s next! If you read this whole thing and my other posts, I want you to know that you rock and I appreciate you! I hope everyone has a great week and I will be back on here next week!