

Hello friends and family, welcome to my blog!! I am so excited to share what God has been doing in my life as of lately!

Life Lately:


I graduated From UT Tyler with my bachelors degree in Kinesiology.

I went on a few holiday trips with family <3



God blessed be with the opportunity to go to Belize on a mission trip with my family

What Led me to World Race?

I made the decision to join world race with credit to my grandma.  She sent me the link to the website saying that if she were my age that’s what she would do. I looked into it and through a lot of prayer I decided I would join the world race. God has been so faithful throughout my life and I have been blessed to have this opportunity to share the Good News to unreached places.

In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus commands His followers to “go and make disciples of all nations.” This is known as the Great Commission, it serves as the foundational call for world evangelism. Jesus makes it clear that evangelism is a key part of the Christian mission. Jesus instructs us not only to share the gospel but also to teach new believers to obey all that He has commanded, thereby ensuring that the message continues to spread across generations.

The task of evangelism is ongoing, and its urgency is shown through the fact that many still have not heard the gospel. The message of salvation needs to reach every corner of the earth, and this is only possible through the obedience and faithfulness of God’s people. This is the unfinished task that believers today are called to complete.

Below I included both the link to my first Newsletter as well as a link to subscribe and receive future Newsletters!! This is where I will be updating you on what life is like while on the mission field. Going forward, I will also be posting on here a shortened version of my Newsletter.

Link to subscribe:


Link to first Newsletter:


Please be praying for me, my family back home, and fellow missionaries going forward. I look forward to updating you throughout my trip. Thanks for reading.

-Faith  <3

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