In this country, the entire squad is joined together living the same day to day! We exist in the same house together, cook together, eat together, ride in the car for four hours everyday together, sleep in the same room together, share the same single bathroom together, serve at the same ministry together, go on adventures together, laugh together, create together, sing together, cry together, but most of all——love Jesus together.
So as you can read, it’s a lot of together. And although it can be challenging, it’s also equally rewarding. Truly, I am blessed to be surrounded by this strong community of believers.
Step into my shoes for a week.
Wake up, eat breakfast, get picked up at 10am and head into the town of Manzini which is only a 30 min drive, spend the morning in our teams completely led by the spirit, asking the Lord to guide our schedule. This time is called ATL: ask the Lord.
Tuesday to Friday
Wake up, eat breakfast, at 10am our driver picks us up to commute a couple hours to the care point we serve at in the village of LesoBovu. Spend a few hours with the kids and women & serve them a meal! Get back into the van to drive home for a couple more hours. Dinner, team time, bed time.
We join back together for lunch & wifi, drop off laundry, and walk to the store to get grocery’s for our weekly meals. Our driver then comes back to get us around 3:30-4pm and we go back home for dinner, team time, and bed time.
Due to safety reasons we must always be back on our homestead by 5pm. So we spend a lot of time at home, but personally I enjoy feeing secure in my room, I’m a big homebody if you didn’t know. + I always have the neighbors to talk to, they’re really cool. You’ll see below, I’ve added pictures…

Ministry @ the Care Point
We serve at what’s called a Care Point. This is a safe space for children from ages 1-17 to gather for free time and a meal. I’ve added images but the layout of these care points are basically a large lawn with a building for weekly Bible study. It’s simple but truly all the spirit needs.
The children at our care point, in LesoBovu are full of so much joy and enthusiasm. They are so curious and very wise beyond their means. All of them absolutely love to dance and each one have been blessed by God with their moves and rhythm.
The Wheels
(Our transportation)
We spend a lot of time in this van!
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