
it’s been a while since I’ve written blog, so here’s a quick life update!

After a few days of travel and a night spent on the airport floor we made it to JBay! We currently live in a beach town a few blocks away from the beach and it’s been such a blessing!

The weather is similar to San Diego and the culture here took some adjusting because it’s so different than Asia.

We’ve spent time in street evangelism, cooking, painting homes, and helping at a preschool! On Sundays we have the opportunity to go to an English speaking church which is SO NICE to finally understand and learn in our own language!

There is a big group of people that beg on the streets and that has been really difficult. We have had the opportunity to pray over some of them, but they are begging for money to sniff glue and that is heartbreaking to see. Even kids 5-7 are sniffing glue, so we often can’t give them money for food. Seeing this everyday is heartbreaking but the Lord is working and it’s evident!

Adventure days in Africa are SO FUN! we’ve been surfing, bungee jumping, and we’re planning to camp at the safari in a few weekends! The Lords creation is so amazing and it’s so fun to have a day to explore this country! This last weekend we woke up early to surf and later found out the beach was closed because there was a great white in the water… but we surfed anyways and had a great time!

Stay tuned for more updates soon I love you all!

– Megan and I on squad picture day

– cooking for the squad!



– the bridge we jumped off of! 709 ft